:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::READ ME:: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::This is the game Legend. Not everything is perfect, so if you find a bug, please tell me about it! :: ::You may contact me via email, at rcaproductionmaster@gmail.com ::As the subject, ensure you have the word LEGEND. :: ::This Version Includes: ::-Character Name ::-Character Gender ::-Forest Fights ::-Arena Fights (Bosses, kill them to level up) ::-Random events in the forest ::-Several secrets (If you enter certain letters at menus, you may get some clues) ::-A new remade fight calculator ::-A new graphical technique, to show special characters (Lines, etc) ::-All options actually go places now in the town ::-The entire game is playable up to level 6 :: ::To run the game: ::Download the attached Legend.txt file. Open it in notepad (Just double click it). Click File>Save As... then ::pick a location. Change the "Save as Type" option from "Text Documents (*.txt)" to "All Files (*.*)". ::Now, name the file "Legend.bat" (Don't use the quotes. If you don't name it correctly, the game won't work.). ::Finally, just double click the file (It should look like a set of gears). The game will open! :: ::To Play: ::Just read carefully, and press the corresponding keys to do things. If you have this menu: :: ::'E'nter building ::'M'ove along ::Your Choice? [E,M] :: ::Press e to enter the building, and press m to move on. :: ::If you are given menus where you are asked to enter a number value, the game will only accept numbers in the ::format of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. If you use text, the game will error and/or close. :: ::If you want to keep your progress, you must save before you exit. Otherwise, it will be reset to your last save. :: ::Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @ECHO OFF ATTRIB +R Legend.bat ATTRIB +H Legend.bat ATTRIB +H settings.meow title Legend COLOR 0A if exist Legend!.bat (ATTRIB -R Legend!.bat) echo. Legend.bat>Legend!.bat ATTRIB +R Legend!.bat set name=Legend set /a health=20 set /a defense=0 set /a level=0 set /a gold=0 set weapon=Stick set /a kills=0 set armor=Shirt set /a bank=0 set indeath=0 set /a kiss=0 set barg=false set /a weplev=0 CLS :beginning choice /c EVLS /n /m "'E'nter the realm; 'L'eave;" if %errorlevel% == 1 (goto entered) if %errorlevel% == 2 (goto stats) if %errorlevel% == 3 (exit) if %errorlevel% == 4 (goto town) :entered color 0a CLS echo Which option appears more like a box? echo. echo " A.) echo " _ echo " !_! echo " echo " B.) echo " ÚÄ¿ echo " ³ ³ echo " ÀÄÙ echo. choice /c AB /n /m ">" if %errorlevel%==1 (goto plaintext) set ur=³ set st=Ä set lt=Ú set lb=À set rt=¿ set rb=Ù set mbr=Ã set mt=Å set mtb=Â set mb=Á set mbl=´ set btt=Ò set bbt=Ð set tp=º set mtbt=× set squiggle=ô set lowshade=° set mshade=± set hshade=² set tc=Í goto intro :plaintext set ur=! set st=- set lt=! set lb=! set rt=! set rb=! set mbr=! set mt=! set mtb=! set mb=! set mbl=! set btt=! set bbt=! set tp=! set mtbt=! set squiggle=$ set lowshade=# set mshade=# set hshade=# set tc=- :intro CLS echo " echo " %lt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%tc%%tc%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rt% echo " %ur% /\_\ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\_\ /\ \ %ur% echo " %ur% /:/ / /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::|_| /::\ \ %ur% echo " %ur% /:/ / /:/\:\_\ /:/\:\_\ /:/\:\_\ /:|:/\_\ /:/\:\ \ %ur% echo " %ur% /:/ / /::\_\/_/ /:/ /\/_/ /::\_\/_/ /:/|::/ / /:/ /|:| | %ur% echo " %ur% /:/ / /:/\/_/ /:/ /_ /:/\/_/ /:/ |:/ / /:/ / |:| | %ur% echo " %ur% \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\/\_\ \:\ \ \/_/:/ / \:\ \/:/ / %ur% echo " %ur% \:\_\ \:\ \ \::/ / \:\_\ /:/ / \:\/:/ / %ur% echo " %ur% \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \__/_/ %ur% echo " %lb%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rb% echo " %squiggle%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%lowshade%%squiggle% echo " %squiggle%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%mshade%%squiggle% echo " %squiggle%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%hshade%%squiggle% echo " __________ ________ __ echo " | | | | \ / | \ / \ |\ | echo " | | |__ | | \__ | | | | \ | echo " | | | |__/ \ | | | | \| _|_|_ echo " | | | | \ | | | | | | _|_|_ echo " \_/ |___ | |___/ _____ \__/ \| | | | 0.8 PRE RELEASE echo. echo (C) echo. echo. choice /c ELM /n /m "'E'nter your name if you are new, or 'L'ogin." if %errorlevel% == 2 (goto login) if %errorlevel%==3 (goto meowliz) color 0c CLS echo Entering a name or gender resets any other progress, with any other player. echo Only continue if you want to play from the beginning! echo. echo What gender are you, and what's your name? echo. choice /c MFE /n /m "'M'ale, 'F'emale, 'E'xit" if %errorlevel%==3 (goto entered) if %errorlevel%==1 ( set gen=M goto namee) set gen=F :namee set /p user="Your name:" ATTRIB -H settings.meow CLS choice /c YN /m "Save?" if %errorlevel%==2 (goto entered) ( echo %user% echo %gen% echo %gold% echo %health% echo %weapon% echo %level% echo %kills% echo %armor% echo %defense% echo %bank% echo %kiss% echo %weplev% )>settings.meow ATTRIB +H settings.meow pause goto town :meowlizz CLS echo You... You know me? echo If you kiss me more than once, I'll give you 50 health... echo Don't forget... echo. pause CLS echo You have three choices. Pick wisely. echo. echo 'G'o on to game echo 'B'e in love echo 'C'heers and broccoli choice /c GBC /n /m ">" if %errorlevel%==3 (goto entered) set /a indeath=1 goto entered :meowliz set kjhjsdf=v CLS set /p kjhjsdf="So you think you're smart, eh?" if %kjhjsdf%==Lindsey (goto meowlizz) CLS echo You have no idea who I am! Go away! echo. pause goto entered :login ( set /p user= set /p gen= set /p gold= set /p health= set /p weapon= set /p level= set /p kills= set /p armor= set /p defense= set /p bank= set /p kiss= set /p weplev= )settings.meow ATTRIB +H settings.meow echo Saved. pause goto town :exit CLS color 0c echo " %lt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rt% echo " %ur% ______ _______ _______ %ur% echo " %ur% | \ / | | %ur% echo " %ur% | \ / | | %ur% echo " %ur% |____ \ / | | %ur% echo " %ur% | X | | %ur% echo " %ur% | / \ | | %ur% echo " %ur% | / \ | | %ur% echo " %ur% |______ / \ ___|___ | %ur% echo " %ur% %ur% echo " %lb%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rb% echo. choice /c YN /m "Are you sure you want to exit? Progress will not be saved automatically." if %errorlevel%==2 (goto town) exit :stats ( set /p user= set /p gold= set /p health= set /p weapon= set /p level= set /p kills= set /p armor= set /p defense= )settings.meow ATTRIB +H settings.meow echo Don't worry, your game is saved. echo. pause exit :wine set /a gold=%gold%-100 set /a health=%health%+5 CLS echo You owe the bartender 100 gold. echo. echo He gives you a large goblet of wine, and half a echo loaf of bread. You are refreshed. echo. pause CLS set barg=true echo You sit at the bar for a while, then leave. echo. pause goto inn :ale CLS echo You owe the bartender 50 gold. echo. echo You feel a bit weak, and lose a health. echo. pause set barg=true goto inn :water CLS echo The bartender asks for only 1 gold. echo. echo You feel more at home. echo. pause goto inn :ir CLS echo You go to the innkeeper, and ask for a room. echo. echo "A room'll cost ya 250 gold." echo. echo 'B'uy a room, and go to sleep echo 'L'eave echo. choice /c BL /n /m ">" if %errorlevel%==2 (goto inn) set /a gold=%gold%-250 set /a health=%health%+30 ATTRIB -H settings.meow if %errorlevel%==2 (goto town) ( echo %user% echo %gen% echo %gold% echo %health% echo %weapon% echo %level% echo %kills% echo %armor% echo %defense% echo %bank% echo %kiss% echo %weplev% )>settings.meow ATTRIB +H settings.meow CLS echo You drift to sleep... echo. echo Your progress is saved, and you become refreshed. echo. pause exit :it CLS echo 'B'art the Barbarian echo 'R'onald the Crazy echo 'O'ld Man echo 'G'amblers echo 'L'eave choice /c BROGL /n /m "Who do you want to talk with?" CLS if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo You walk up to Bart, and say hello. He responds gruffly, echo. echo "Whuts yur bizness here?" echo. echo "Well, I just wanted to talk..." echo. echo "Not hear to kill meh?" echo. echo "No..." echo. echo "Well, in dat case, I have a tid ov abvise fur ya. If ya echo relly want tu find yur fame, slay da dra...g...nnnnnnmmf" echo he responded, and then passed out from his rum. echo. pause goto inn ) if %errorlevel%==2 ( echo You wearily approach the nutjob. He sees you before you have a chance to echo say hello. echo. echo "AYYYYY! YOU THERE!!!" he yelled. echo "AYEEEEEE SEE YOU!" echo. echo "Uh... Hello?" echo. echo "HAHAHAHA!" echo. echo "..." echo. echo "Better leave the fairies ALONE! HAHAHA!!" echo. echo With that, you decided to leave. echo. pause goto inn ) if %errorlevel%==3 ( echo You say hello to the old man. echo. echo "Ohhhh... Hello there little child..." he mumbled. echo "Heeeeere, have a peanut... If you find one, you'll be rich..." echo. echo A little creeped out, you leave. echo. pause goto inn ) if %errorlevel%==4 ( echo The gamblers are uninterested, for you aren't famous enough. echo. pause goto inn ) goto inn :is CLS echo You stand in the corner, and watch. echo. echo A few men at a small round table are gambling, an echo old woman sits in the opposite corner, and several echo people sit at the bar. echo. pause CLS if %gen%==M (goto mi) echo Behind the gamblers, you see a young attractive man. echo. echo 'T'alk to him echo 'F'orget it choice /c TF /n /m "What are you going to do?" if %errorlevel%==1 (goto ftalk) goto inn :ftalk CLS echo You walk up to him, and he smiles. echo. echo 'T'alk echo 'F'lirt echo 'W'alk away choice /c TFW /n /m "He gazes expectingly..." if %errorlevel%==1 (goto ftalkk) if %errorlevel%==2 (goto laid) goto inn :ftalkk set /a health=%health%+1 CLS echo You talk for a while, and get a kiss. Your relationship echo is taking off! echo. pause goto inn :mi echo Behind the gamblers, you see an attractive young woman. echo. echo 'T'alk to her echo 'F'orget it choice /c TF /n /m "What are you going to do?" if %errorlevel%==1 (goto mtalk) goto inn :mtalk CLS echo You walk up to her, and she smiles. echo. echo 'T'alk echo 'F'lirt echo 'W'alk away choice /c TFW /n /m "She gazes expectingly..." if %errorlevel%==1 (goto mtalkk) if %errorlevel%==2 (goto laid) goto inn :mtalkk set /a health=%health%+1 CLS echo You talk for a while, and get a kiss. Your relationship echo is taking off! echo. pause goto inn :laid color 0d set /a health=%health%+10 CLS echo The two of you flirt for a while, then sneak off to a room... echo. pause CLS echo You just got laid! Congrats! echo. echo You feel great. echo. pause goto inn :arena CLS echo A small sign states that if you win a battle, your echo level increases. echo. echo 'F'ight echo 'R'eturn to forest choice /c FR /m "Beware." if %errorlevel%==2 (goto forest) CLS set firstfight=true if %level%==0 (goto level0) if %level%==1 (goto level1) if %level%==2 (goto level2) if %level%==3 (goto level3) if %level%==4 (goto level4) if %level%==5 (goto level5) if %level%==6 (goto level6) if %level%==7 (goto level7) :level0 set enemy=Zoigberg set ehealth=40 set /a tough=22 set /a eattack=15-%defense% set /a elow=5 set ewep=his Claws set bonus=10000 goto afight :level1 set enemy=Mr. Gordon set ehealth=72 set /a tough=26 set /a eattack=30-%defense% set /a elow=10 set ewep=his Gun set bonus=15000 goto afight :level2 set enemy=Richard Nixon set ehealth=150 set /a tough=40+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=60-%defense% set /a elow=10 set ewep=Scandals set bonus=30000 goto afight :level3 set enemy=Cyclops set ehealth=250 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=150-%defense% set /a elow=13 set ewep=Big Bat set bonus=100000 goto afight :level4 set enemy=Rogneck The Terrible set ehealth=325 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=150-%defense% set /a elow=25 set ewep=his Massive Sword set bonus=105000 goto afight :level5 set enemy=Bongledor set ehealth=420 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=167-%defense% set /a elow=30 set ewep=his Giant Bong set bonus=150000 goto afight :level6 set enemy=Hitler set ehealth=550 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=180-%defense% set /a elow=15 set ewep=Gas set bonus=205000 goto afight :level7 set enemy=Eskibar set ehealth=1000 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=200-%defense% set /a elow=50 set ewep=his Giant Mandables set bonus=300000 goto afight :afight CLS echo Computing... set myString=%health% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe jhgfjhsa set myString=%ehealth% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe1 jhgfjhsa set myString=%enemy%A call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=21-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe2 jhgfjhsa set myString=%defense% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe3 jhgfjhsa set myString=%tough% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe4 jhgfjhsa set myString=%weapon% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe5 jhgfjhsa set myString=%bonus% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe6 jhgfjhsa CLS if %indeath%==1 (goto lose) if %firstfight%==false (goto lkhff) set firstfight=false echo You see %enemy% lurking in the corner of the arena... echo. :lkhff echo %lt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%btt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rt% echo %ur%You: %tp%%enemy%:%extrahe2%%ur% echo %mbr%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%×%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%mbl% echo %ur%Health :%health%%extrahe%%tp%Health :%ehealth%%extrahe1%%ur% echo %ur%Defense:%defense%%extrahe3%%tp%Tough :%tough%%extrahe4%%ur% echo %ur%Weapon :%weapon%%extrahe5%%tp%Bonus :%bonus%%extrahe6%%ur% echo %ur% %tp% %ur% echo %lb%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%Ð%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rb% echo. echo 'A'ttack echo 'R'un choice /c AR /m "Your choice?" if %errorlevel%==2 (goto arena) CLS set /a damage=%random% * %tough% / 32767 +%level%+(%weplev%*2) echo You attack %enemy% with your %weapon% and hit with %damage% damage! set /a ehealth=%ehealth%-%damage% echo. set /a edamage=%random%*%eattack%/32767+%elow%-%level% if %edamage% LEQ 0 (set /a edamage=0) echo %enemy% hit you with %ewep% for %edamage% damage! set /a health=%health%-%edamage% echo. pause if %health% LEQ 0 (goto lose) if %ehealth% LEQ 0 (goto levelup) goto afight :levelup CLS echo %enemy% lies dead in the dust of another long fight. echo. set /a gain=%random%*500/32767+%bonus% echo You recieve %gain% gold! set /a gold=%gold%+%gain% echo. set /a kills=%kills%+1 set /a level=%level%+1 pause goto forest ::::::::::::::FOREST ENEMIES::::::::::::::: ::enemy : Set enemy name ::ehealth : Set enemy health ::tough : Set max value that enemy can be hit with ::eattack : Set max value enemy can attack with (Minus your defense value) ::elow : Set minimum value enemy can attack with (Minus your defense value) ::ewep : Enemy weapon name ::bonus : Set a specific money bonus (Minimum amount to be given) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: set enemy= set ehealth= set /a tough=+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=-%defense% set /a elow= set ewep= set bonus= goto fight :rat set enemy=Rat set ehealth=4 set /a tough=3+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=2-%defense% set /a elow=0-%defense% set ewep=its sewage-soaked fur set bonus=1 goto fight :fatkid set enemy=Fat Kid set ehealth=5 set /a tough=6+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=4-%defense% set /a elow=2-%defense% set ewep=her extreme flatulence set bonus=50 goto fight :oldman set enemy=Old Man set ehealth=5 set /a tough=7+%level% set /a eattack=3-%defense% set /a elow=0-%defense% set ewep=his old cane set bonus=200 goto fight :hark set enemy=Hark set ehealth=22 set /a tough=7+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=7-%defense% set /a elow=2-%defense% set ewep=his huge muscles set bonus=500 goto fight :hcat set enemy=Heavy Cat set ehealth=6 set /a tough=7+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=5-%defense% set /a elow=1-%defense% set ewep=its awkward belly set bonus=12 goto fight :pig set enemy=Pig set ehealth=17 set /a tough=3+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=20-%defense% set /a elow=1 set ewep=its big nose set bonus=5 goto fight :::rcaproductionmaster@gmail.com :sbear set enemy=Small Bear set ehealth=21 set /a tough=2+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=25-%defense% set /a elow=3 set ewep=its teeth and claws set bonus=100 goto fight :evilk set enemy=Evil Child set ehealth=23 set /a tough=4+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=25-%defense% set /a elow=2-%defense% set ewep=his devil worshipping set bonus=270 goto fight :fairy CLS echo You come across a hidden clearing, filled with fairies. echo You step into the open, and you are immediately scolded echo for spying! echo. echo One of the smaller fairies comes up to, curiously. echo She examines you, but you are unsure what to do. echo You may either 'G'o on your way, or 'S'tay a while. echo. choice /c GS set /a stay=2 if %errorlevel%==1 (goto trueee) set /a stay=1 :trueee set /a math=%random%*(%stay%+1)/32767 if %math% GTR 0 (goto blessing) echo The fairies are mad, and take 5 of your health! echo They then disappear laughing, leaving you in a bad mood. set /a health=%health%-5 echo. pause if %health% LEQ 0 (goto lose) goto forest :blessing set /a gift=%random%*6/32767+1 echo The fairies take a liking to you, and award you with %gift% health. set /a health=%health%+%gift% echo. pause goto forest :event set /a math=%random%*3/32767+1 if %math%==1 (goto edwarf) if %math%==2 (goto tavern) if %math%==3 (goto liz) goto forest :edwarf CLS echo A portly, and well armed, dwarf walks into you! echo "Sorrae der sir, I'll be on ma way now..." he says. echo You suddenly realize you lost one health! set /a health=%health%-1 echo. pause goto forest :tavern set /a health=%health%+10 CLS echo You see a whisp of white smoke, coming from through the woods. echo You walk towards it, and come across a charming old tavern. echo It is made of stone, and has a beautiful garden surrounding echo it's gates. echo. echo You stop in, and gain a few health. echo. pause goto forest :liz color 0d CLS echo You hear moaning, coming from behind a grove of trees... echo. echo 'I'nvestigate echo 'B'e smart and run away choice /c IB if %errorlevel%==2 ( color 0a CLS goto forest) CLS echo You find your way through the trees, and see the opening to a large cave... echo The demonic moaning is louder than ever! echo. echo 'E'nter the cave echo 'D'ecide to not be an idiot, and run away! choice /c ED if %errorlevel%==2 ( color 0a CLS goto forest) CLS echo You enter the cave, and the sounds stop! echo. echo In the corner, you see a young woman. She is chained to the echo wall, bloody. Upon further inspection, a vulture has been echo knawing on her leg. echo. echo 'S'tab her echo 'K'ick the vulture choice /c SK /m "Be smart " if %errorlevel%==1 ( echo You stab her with a stick, and run away. She swears at you, echo and sets a curse upon you! You will be doomed to die echo in your next fight! echo. pause set indeath=1 color 0a CLS goto forest) CLS echo You kick the vulture, and she immediately begins to heal. echo "Who are you?" she implores. echo. echo 'R'espond echo 'Y'ell at her for being stupid echo. choice /c RY if %errorlevel%==2 ( echo You wake up, remember screeching, but nothing else. echo Better continue on then. Stupid Ale! ::::rcaproductionmaster@gmail.com echo. pause color 0a goto forest) CLS echo "I am a warrior, seeking fame and fortune. Who are you?" echo. echo She responds, "I am Liz, you stupid fool!" echo. echo "What a silly name!" echo. echo 'K'iss her echo 'R'un away from this madwoman! choice /c KR if %errorlevel%==2 ( color 0a CLS goto forest) if %kiss%==1 ( set /a health=%health%+50 CLS echo Since your last kiss, she has come to like you... echo You gain 50 health! echo. echo "Keep this color for a while, to remember me..." pause goto forest) CLS set /a kiss=1 set /a health=%health%-1 CLS echo She yells at you, and you lose one health! echo. pause ATTRIB -H settings.meow ( echo %user% echo %gen% echo %gold% echo %health% echo %weapon% echo %level% echo %kills% echo %armor% echo %defense% echo %bank% echo %kiss% echo %weplev% )>settings.meow ATTRIB +H settings.meow color 0a goto forest :sentienttree set enemy=The Sentient Tree sentree set ehealth=41 set /a tough=5+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=24-%defense% set /a elow=6 set ewep=his rude words set bonus=0 goto fight :smellycouch set enemy=Smelly Couch set ehealth=43 set /a tough=12+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=32-%defense% set /a elow=8 set ewep=its terribleness set bonus=0 goto fight :crazyman set enemy=Crazy Dude set ehealth=27 set /a tough=5+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=40-%defense% set /a elow=4 set ewep=his insane dancing set bonus=200 goto fight :polititian set enemy=Politition set ehealth=27 set /a tough=6+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=43-%defense% set /a elow=5 set ewep=red tape set bonus=5000 goto fight :knight set enemy=Knight set ehealth=50 set /a tough=10+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=70-%defense% set /a elow=10 set ewep=his Long Sword set bonus=2500 goto fight :dwarf set enemy=Dwarf set ehealth=50 set /a tough=17+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=78-%defense% set /a elow=6 set ewep=his small battle axe set bonus=700 goto fight :drunkensoldier set enemy=Drunken Soldier set ehealth=19 set /a tough=19+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=71-%defense% set /a elow=9 set ewep=ale bottles set bonus=400 goto fight :witch set enemy=Witch set ehealth=50 set /a tough=12+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=75-%defense% set /a elow=10 set ewep=her witchcraft set bonus=570 goto fight :snake set enemy=Snake set ehealth=34 set /a tough=20+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=160-%defense% set /a elow=5 set ewep=its venom set bonus=0 goto fight :zork set enemy=Zork set ehealth=52 set /a tough=10+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=172-%defense% set /a elow=4 set ewep=Broad Sword set bonus=5100 goto fight :teddyroosevelt set enemy=Teddy Roosevelt set ehealth=150 set /a tough=5+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=190-%defense% set /a elow=23 set ewep=Moose Riding set bonus=10000 goto fight :wakingup set enemy=Waking Up set ehealth=32 set /a tough=10+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=161-%defense% set /a elow=10 set ewep=awful morning light set bonus=0 goto fight :pillowcase set enemy=Pillowcase set ehealth=47 set /a tough=47+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=167-%defense% set /a elow=5 set ewep=pillowcaseyness set bonus=25 goto fight :kingarthur set enemy=King Arthur set ehealth=100 set /a tough=10+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=170-%defense% set /a elow=5 set ewep=Excaliber set bonus=10500 goto fight :bucketofwater set enemy=Bucket Of Water set ehealth=89 set /a tough=89+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=182-%defense% set /a elow=4 set ewep=wetness set bonus=25 goto fight :internetexplorer set enemy=Internet Explorer set ehealth=100 set /a tough=50+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=25 set /a elow=5 set ewep=it's slow speeds set bonus=10000 goto fight :wizard set enemy=wizard set ehealth=132 set /a tough=20+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=32 set /a elow=13 set ewep=his Staff of Light set bonus=12500 goto fight :darkwizardoftheeast set enemy=Dark Wiz of the East set ehealth=154 set /a tough=19+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=37 set /a elow=15 set ewep=his Staff of Evil set bonus=12432 goto fight :elf set enemy=Elf set ehealth=60 set /a tough=0+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=25 set /a elow=5 set ewep=her small elven sword set bonus=50 goto fight :rokoroztheterrible set enemy=Rokoroz The Terrible set ehealth=200 set /a tough=100+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=42 set /a elow=1 set ewep=his Massive Sword set bonus=8943 goto fight :buffgerman set enemy=Buff German set ehealth=88 set /a tough=0+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=23 set /a elow=13 set ewep=his Luger set bonus=15000 goto fight :nobleofdragostea set enemy=Noble of Dragostea set ehealth=203 set /a tough=0+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=52 set /a elow=9 set ewep=his Army of Minions set bonus=52000 goto fight :dragon set enemy=The Dragon set ehealth=1000 set /a tough=100+(5*%level%) set /a eattack=100 set /a elow=20 set ewep=his flames, claws, and evasions set bonus=1000000 goto fight :fight CLS echo Computing... set /a toughh=100-%tough% set myString=%health% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe jhgfjhsa set myString=%ehealth% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe1 jhgfjhsa set myString=%enemy%A call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=21-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe2 jhgfjhsa set myString=%defense% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe3 jhgfjhsa set myString=%toughh% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe4 jhgfjhsa set myString=%weapon% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe5 jhgfjhsa set myString=%bonus% call :strlen hexsub myString set /a jhgfjhsa=%hexsub% set /a jhgfjhsa=13-%jhgfjhsa% call :extrachar extrahe6 jhgfjhsa CLS if %indeath%==1 (goto lose) if %firstfight%==false (goto lkhf) set firstfight=false echo You see %enemy% come out of the shadows! echo. :lkhf echo %lt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%btt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rt% echo %ur%You: %tp%%enemy%:%extrahe2%%ur% echo %mbr%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%mtbt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%mbl% echo %ur%Health :%health%%extrahe%%tp%Health :%ehealth%%extrahe1%%ur% echo %ur%Defense:%defense%%extrahe3%%tp%Tough :%toughh%%extrahe4%%ur% echo %ur%Weapon :%weapon%%extrahe5%%tp%Bonus :%bonus%%extrahe6%%ur% echo %ur% %tp% %ur% echo %lb%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%bbt%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%st%%rb% echo. echo 'A'ttack echo 'R'un choice /c AR /m "Your choice?" if %errorlevel%==2 (goto forest) CLS set /a damage=%random% * %tough% / 32767 +%level%+(%weplev%*2) echo You attack %enemy% with your %weapon% and hit with %damage% damage! set /a ehealth=%ehealth%-%damage% echo. set /a edamage=%random%*%eattack%/32767+%elow%-%level% if %edamage% LEQ 0 (set /a edamage=0) echo %enemy% hit you with %ewep% for %edamage% damage! set /a health=%health%-%edamage% echo. pause if %health% LEQ 0 (goto lose) if %ehealth% LEQ 0 (goto win) goto fight :win CLS echo %enemy% lies dead on the ground. echo. set /a gain=%random%*500/32767+%bonus% echo You recieve %gain% gold! set /a gold=%gold%+%gain% echo. set /a kills=%kills%+1 pause goto forest :pstat set /a mathtwo=%level%*10+20 CLS echo User : %user% echo Gender : %gen% echo Health : %health%/%mathtwo% echo Gold : %gold% echo Level : %level% echo Weapon : %weapon% echo Armor : %armor% echo Defense: %defense% echo Kills : %kills% echo. pause goto forest ::::::::::::::FOREST PLACES::::::::::::::: :healer CLS echo You enter the humble shack, hoping to be healed. echo A small sign in the corner states that healing costs 100 gold echo for every health point. You have %gold% gold. echo. set /a ggg=%random%*2/32767 if %ggg%==1 (set person=short man) if %ggg%==2 (set person=old woman) echo A %person% comes up to you, and offers you three options. echo. echo 'H'eal all echo 'O'nly heal a little echo 'L'eave choice /c HOL /m "Which will it be now?" if %errorlevel%==2 (goto healbit) if %errorlevel%==3 (goto forest) set /a mathtwo=%level%*10+20 set /a math=mathtwo-%health% set /a math=%math%*100 set /a math=%gold%/%math% if %math% LEQ 0 ( CLS echo We won't do that for so little gold. echo. pause goto healer ) set /a mathtwo=%level%*10+20 set /a math=%mathtwo%-%health% set /a math2=%math%*100 set /a gold=%gold%-%math2% set /a health=%health%+%math% echo. echo You are healed. echo. pause goto forest :healbit set /p hpheal="How much to heal? You have %health% health and %gold% gold. 100 gold per health. >" set /a math=%hpheal%*100 set /a math=%gold%/%math% if %math% LEQ 0 ( echo You need more gold! echo. pause goto healer ) set /a math=%health%+%hpheal% set /a mathtwo=%level%*10+20 if %math% GTR %mathtwo% ( echo You can't have more than %mathtwo% health. echo. pause goto healer ) set /a math=%hpheal%*100 set /a gold=%gold%-%math% set /a health=%health%+%hpheal% echo. echo You are healed. echo. pause goto forest :lose CLS color 0c echo Oh Ratz! Looks like you were killed! echo Maybe next time, warrior. echo. pause exit :::::::::::::FUNCTIONS:::::::::::::: :strlen ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "s=!%~2!#" set "len=0" for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( if "!s:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" ( set /a "len+=%%P" set "s=!s:~%%P!" ) ) ) ( endlocal set "%~1=%len%" exit /b ) :extrachar ( ::rcaproductionmaster@gmail.com setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "ytrr= " :extracharloop if %jhgfjhsa% GTR 1 ( set /a jhgfjhsa=%jhgfjhsa%-1 set ytrr=%ytrr% goto extracharloop ) ) ( endlocal set "%~1=%ytrr%" exit /b ) ::rcaproductionmaster@gmail.com