1. What do you go online for? (choose any combination that applies to you) learning & education (e.g.: news, articles, documentaries and practical videos) socializing (e.g.: instant messaging, video calls, social media, facebook) escape, pleasure, relief from boredom, diversion (e.g. solo-games, arts, entertainment). life/personal - internet services such as directories, banking, govenment agencies, family-history. work - it's part of your job. 2. What percentage of your online activity is dedicated to posting social-content (e.g. in forums, commenting on status updates, blog posts)? 75-100% - Most of my online activity is spent on socializing 50-75% - I spend more time socializing than doing other internet-things. ~50% - About half of my online activity is socializing, I like to maintain a balance or it's just like that. 0-25% - I post little social internet content. 0% - I never post any personal or social internet content, and have decided that this survey doesn't count as doing that. 3. (on a scale of 1-5) Would you be in favour of real names being used as usernames for ALL internet-accounts? 5. Yes, I've got nothing to hide, I believe transparency and openess is very important. 4. I would prefer for this to be the case, but sometimes anonymity is important for my security. 3. I am indifferent, names are just names. Or this will not happen, so I have no opinion. 2. People have a right to privacy, but sometimes hiding things shouldn't be allowed. 1. No, everyone's internet presence is separate from their physical self & life, this privacy must be maintained. 4. (on a scale of 1-5) How important is being truthful (on the internet) to you? 5 Very. I aim to tell the truth at all times regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, because that is the right thing to do. 4 I aim to tell the truth, but sometimes hide or misrepresent things because they would/could cause problems. 3 It depends on the situation; Sometimes being truthful is best and sometimes it isn't. I don't have a life-philosophy / religious persuasion that says one or the other is always best. 2 I try to avoid outright lying but am less than honest much of the time, I feel safer or that I have more control that way. 1 Not at all. I aim to tell people what they want to hear, as long as you don't get caught it isn't wrong. 5. (on a scale of 1-5) Even if people didn't know you and yet they ask for your help or opinion online, do you think they honestly seek your advice? 5 Yes, I think they choose to know & trust me as much as anyone can in the circumstances. 4 To a large extent, but they know me better from the advice I give them. 3 I don't know and it is of no importance to me. 2 To some extent, or sometimes if the asking seems genuine. 1 No, people treat the internet like a giant computer, my part is just a tiny "cog in the machine". 6. (on a scale of 1-5) To what extent do you trust reviews of products or services online? 5 Always, because I can judge reviews (I don't count the ones that are obviously untrustworthy) 4 Mostly, but I have doubts sometimes. 3 I am indifferent. I don't read reivews or I do and they have no infuence me at all, it's the same thing. 2 I read reviews but prefer to trust my own judgement mostly. 1 Not at all. I only read reviews for information, no one's opinion is any better than mine. 7. If your anonimity was not preserved, would you post a review on a service or product (books, music, events, venues, etc.) You would regardless, you just use the internet for disseminating the truth. You would but would be selective in the reviews you post, so long as you are posting for the benefit of the rest of the world (otherwise there would be little point). You won't write reviews, anonymity is irrelavent. You would but would be selective in the reviews you post, for the benefit of your own gain, security & internet-personality. You would not, anonymity on the internet is a necessity for reviews. 8. How much influence would compensation with freebies/deals have on your review on a service or product (books, music, events, venues, etc.) None. You see an implicit bias associated with compensation, and deliberately post where where there are no incentives in order to maintain your impartiality. You would aim to get freebies/deals where you can but always be true to your readers (otherwise they'll stop trusting you). The free stuff is important, but fairness in a review is important. You can achieve both without conflict of interest. You would be influenced but try not to let anyone down by compromising yourself. A lot. The compensation is the whole point, it would be my main influence on what I wrote and where. 9. With whom do you live? With spouse/ partner With family (other than spouse,partner) With other people, in a building of multiple occupancy (e.g. at college or in prison) Alone / with yourself Other 10. Do you: (choose any combination that applies to you) go to HS go to college work part-time work full-time work at home (includes telecommuting) None of the above 11. How are you feeling today and life in general? Life is beautiful and everything is wonderful. You have no problems, it's a good day. Life is meaningless, or the question is - no answer. It's not good, but things could get better. Life sucks and then you die, and you're hoping that happens sooner rather than later.