@echo off title Spanish POKe'MON color 27 cls :menu cls echo Spanish POKe'MON! pause cls echo This is a beta version, and thus has problems and glitches, please report any problems or glitches in the comments of the instructables page. pause cls echo Created By: Jacob Pardee. pause cls echo Programed By: Jacob Pardee. pause cls echo please type in your name and press the eneter key. echo. echo. set /p name= cls echo Hello %name%. pause cls echo RULES: To battle you must answer spanish questions correctly. No spaces in responses (instead of go left, type goleft.). No caps in your responsese. pause cls echo Remeber that most of the spanish answers have not been inputed and the answers to some of the unfinished questions are in (). pause :c3po cls echo Hello my name is profesor.oak. pause cls echo Pr.Oak: I am here to give you your first pokemon! pause cls echo Pr.Oak: Pleas pick wisly as this will be your pokemon for the entire jurny! pause cls cls echo Pleas pick a starter pokemon from the list bellow. cls echo Charmander! echo. echo Bulbasoar! echo. echo Squertile! pause cls echo charmander/squertile/bulbasoar. echo. echo. set /p pokemon= if %pokemon% equ charmander goto r2d2 if %pokemon% equ squertile goto r2d2 if %pokemon% equ bulbasoar goto r2d2 goto c3po :r2d2 cls echo Congragulations on your new %pokemon%! pause :southheal cls echo Will you go north into the tall grass or into the tall grass in the south? echo. echo. set /p swaping= if %swaping% equ north goto northheal if %swaping% equ south goto northheal goto southheal cls :northheal cls cls echo You decide to go %swaping% into the tall grass. pause cls echo A wild pikachu pops up! pause cls cls echo Battle starts with pikachu! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause cls echo Translate this spanish word for %pokemon% to attack. echo. echo. echo bailar. echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ todance goto goodmorning goto goodmorning2 :goodmorning cls echo That is correct. pause cls echo %pokemon% attacked wild pikachu! pause cls cls echo Wild pikachu fainted! pause goto next1 :goodmorning2 cls echo That is incorect. The correct answer is goodmorning. you lose the battle. pause goto next1 :next1 cls cls echo You walk into a small town with a pokemon gym. echo. echo. echo Will you enter? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ yes goto inwego1 if %answer% equ no goto backup1 :backup1 cls echo You are about to walk away when a young trainer runs out of the gym and into you and you both fall! pause goto playthegamef :inwego1 cls echo You walk up to the door to the gym but the door flys open allmost hitting you in the head! pause cls echo A young trainer runs into you and you both fall over. pause :playthegamef cls cls echo Trainer: Sarry i was just so excited about beating this gym and getting a badge! Hi my name is Kyle. pause cls echo %name%: Hi Kyle. My name is %name%. pause cls echo Kyle: Hey that gym leader is pretty strong, lets battle so youre pokemon can get strong enuffe to beat him! pause cls cls echo Kyle has started a battle with %name%! pause cls echo Kyle: Go missingno! pause cls cls echo Kyle ttthrows out missingo! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause cls echo For %pokemon% to attack missingno you must translate this spanish word echo. echo. echo cantar. echo. echo. set /p buenasnoches= if %buenasnoches% equ tosing goto buenasnoches goto buenasnoches2 :buenasnoches2 cls echo That is incorect. The correct answer is word. pause cls echo %pokemon% does not attack. Kyle wins. pause goto kylewins1 :buenasnoches cls echo %pokemon% attacks! pause cls echo Missingno loSe'''''s? pause goto kylewins1 :kylewins1 cls cls echo Kyle: Good battle %name%! Good luck batteling this gym! pause cls echo Kyle runs off to the next gym! pause cls echo You walk into the pokemon gym ready to fight. pause cls echo BUT ITS DARK!!!! pause cls echo So you want to battle me? Says a voice in the darkness. pause cls echo Well first you must find me! Says the voice. pause :ratbatch cls echo up/down/left/right? echo. echo. set /p direction= if %direction% equ up goto up if %direction% equ down goto down if %direction% equ right goto down if %direction% equ left goto down :up cls echo You go %direction% and you find a light switch! pause cls echo Do you turn on the light? yes/no? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ no goto deflop if %answer% equ yes goto batchplease :batchplease cls echo You turn on the light switch and after a crackle of electricity the light turns on! pause goto nextcisco :deflop cls echo You decide not to turn on the light switch and go back. pause goto ratbatch :down cls echo You go %direction% but nothing is there so you go back. pause goto ratbatch :nextcisco cls echo Hello! Says a voice! pause cls echo You turn around and see the gym leader! pause cls echo Gym leader: Hello %name%, i am Brock the rock type gym leader! Are you ready to battle! pause cls echo %name%: YES! pause cls echo Broke: Then lets battle! pause cls echo Gym leader Broke starts a battle with %name%! pause cls echo Broke: Go geodude! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause cls echo for %pokemon% to attack translate correr to english. echo. echo. set /p ly= if %ly% equ torun goto ly goto yl :ly cls echo %pokemon% attacks geodude! pause cls echo Geodude faints! %name% wins the pokemon battle! pause cls echo Brock: Good job %name%! For beating me you get the boulder badge! pause goto lk :yl cls echo That answer is incorrect. the correct answer is answer. pause cls echo %pokemon% attack missed. brock wins the battle. pause cls echo brock: You lose but you fought well so here is a gym badge! pause :lk cls echo %name% recieved the bolder badge! pause cls echo Brock: With this badge %pokemon% can now break rocks outside of battle! pause cls echo Now with the bulder badge you go foward on your way to the next town! pause cls echo Hey stop! Screams an unseen voice! pause cls echo Pearson: Hey can you help me? pause cls echo Will you help this pearson? echo. echo. set /p help= if %help% equ yes goto egg if %help% equ no goto noegg :noegg cls echo %name%: %help%. pause cls echo Pearson: What! You wont help me! to bad i wont take no for an answer! pause :egg cls echo Pearson: My name is Misty! pause cls echo Misty: I need your help in rasing hatching and rasing my EGG! pause cls echo Misty gives you a shiny egg with colorfull spots on it. pause cls echo Misty: I dont know what the egg will hatch into but my pokemon jurny is over and i cant raise it to its full potential. pause cls echo Misty runs off. pause cls echo Now with %pokemon% and an egg you continue your jurny to the next town to get your next badge. pause cls echo After some walking you reach the next town. But something is happining! pause cls echo Were is it! Yelled a man dressed in a purple uniform to a scientist standing outside of the towns lab. pause cls echo As you walk closer hear more of what they are saying. pause cls echo Scientist: You cant have it, its dangerus. pause cls echo Man in purple: We need it to bring "IT" back. pause cls echo Scientist: I wont let you! pause cls echo The man in purple pushes the scientist to the ground and runs into the lab followed by 3 other men in purple! pause cls echo The scientist gets up and trys to run in but the door is locked! pause cls echo Scientist: NO! pause cls echo %name% Walkes up to the scientist and ask what is wrong. pause cls echo Scientist: Its those guys in purple they want to steal my most valuble item in my lab! pause cls echo Scientist: With it they plan to somehow bring back what we nicknamed "M2"! pause cls echo Scientist: You must help me, if they get the item then its bad! pause cls echo Scientist: You must unlock that door but the key is inside! pause cls echo Scientist: The only other way to open the door is to have a %pokemon% break the door open useing rock smash but you need to give %pokemon% the HM1-ROCKSMASH! But the only pearson in town with HM1 is the old man in the old house! But the only he will give you HM1 is if ou answer his difficult questions that even i cant answer! pause cls echo Scientist: Pleas go find him! pause cls echo The town has a pokecenter, a mart, a gym, a oldhouse, and a lab. pause :kloop cls echo pokecenter/mart/gym/oldhouse/lab set /p townlab= if %townlab% equ oldhouse goto oldhouselab if %townlab% equ lab goto oldlab if %townlab% equ gym goto lockeduplab if %townlab% equ pokecenter goto lockeduplab if %townlab% equ mart goto lockeduplab goto kloop :oldhouselab cls echo You walk up the old house and open the door and walk inside. pause cls echo Inside the house is an old man. pause cls echo Oldman: Hello are you here to try and answer my questions and win HM1? pause cls echo %name%: Yes. pause cls echo Oldman: Good! pause goto skipthattextd :oldlab cls echo Scientist: Please go find the oldman! pause goto kloop :lockeduplab cls echo %townlab% is locked. pause goto kloop :skipthattextd cls echo Oldman: how would i say dibujar in english? echo. echo. set /p sincomarch= if %sincomarch% equ todraw goto sincosay goto skipthattextd :sincosay cls echo Oldman: Correct! pause cls echo Oldman: Here is HM1! pause cls echo Now with HM1 %name% goes back to the Scientest. pause cls echo Scientest: Oh good you have HM1! Now let me teach your %pokemon% HM1! pause cls echo The Scientest gives %pokemon% HM1! pause cls echo Scientest: Good now %pokemon% knows HM1! Now %pokemon% use HM1 on the door! pause cls echo %pokemon% Used HM1 on the door! pause cls echo Scientest: Yes the door is open! But all my pokemon are inside so you must fight the men in purple! pause :gop cls echo Will you go and fight the men in purple? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ no goto batch if %answer% equ yes goto nobatch goto gop :nobatch cls echo You are about to walk in and fight the men in purple but then someone bumps into you! pause cls echo Roko: Hey %name% i over heard what was happining come on lets help this Scientest! pause goto noway :batch cls echo You are about to not fight the men in purple when someone stops you. pause cls echo Roko: Hey %name% i over heard what was happining and im here to help come on lets go help this Scientest! pause goto noway :noway cls echo %name% and Roko run into the lab to fight the men in purple! pause cls echo Hey what are you two kids doing here! Yelled a man in purple! pause cls echo Roko: Were stoping you men in purple from stealing from the Scientest! pause cls echo Man in purple: We are not men in purple, were team vr64 and we need the item to fufill team vr64's eternal goal and you wont stop us! Lets battle! pause cls echo Team vr64 Grunt sent out gastly and kofing! pause cls echo Roko: Go Kangiskong! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause :Finace cls echo Translate escribircuentos to english. echo. echo. set /p sw= if %sw% equ towritestories goto df goto finace :df cls echo %name% and Roko have defeated Team vr64 Grunt! pause cls echo Roko: What is the item and why is it so importent? pause cls echo Team vr64 Grunt: If you must know, all i can tell you is it involes "M2"! pause cls echo %name%: What is "M2"? pause cls echo NO! Screamed a man in the next room! pause cls echo %name% And Roko Run into the room in time to see the man looking at an empty capsle! pause cls echo Just then a Grunt walks in! pause cls echo Grunt: Boss what happened? pause cls echo Boss: The item is not here! pause cls echo Scientest: Oh i remember i sent to another lab to keep it safe! pause cls echo Just then the boss heard police sirens from outside! pause cls echo The boss runs outside and jumps into a helecopter that had been waiting for him! Leaving behind the other team vr64 memebers! pause cls echo Just then a cop car pulled up and arrested the memebers of Team vr64 that were left behind! pause cls echo Scientest: The item is safe for now but he will find it eventualy! pause cls echo Roko: Cant we stop them? pause cls echo Scientest: Yes you can! Roko go to the newbark town lab to retreve the item and keep it safe! %name% you must find Team vr64 before they complete there plan! Look for them on your jurny! pause cls echo Roko: Will do! pause cls echo %name%: Ok! pause cls echo You now go to the towns gym to fight the gym leader and get a gym badge! pause cls echo As you walk into the gym there is a large small desktop computer. pause :syswen cls echo on the screen is the word sp (sp)! echo. echo. set /p rt= if %rt% equ sp goto newsys goto syswen :newsys cls echo Just then an image appeared on the screen! pause cls echo The image looks like a pixalated gym leader! pause cls cls echo Pixalated gym leader: Hello my name is R.O.B. Robotic Operating Buddy! pause :robno cls echo R.O.B.: Are you ready to battle? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ yes goto robyes if %answer% equ no goto robno goto robno :robyes cls echo R.O.B.: Ok lets battle! pause cls echo Just then the computer rob was on transformed into a six foot robot! pause cls echo R.O.B.: Go Porygon pause cls echo A large pixalated beam shoots out from the computer screen and forms the pokemon Porygon! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause :tryhaf cls echo Translate escucharmusica to english. echo. echo. set /p in= if %in% equ tolistentomusic goto in goto tryhaf :in cls echo %pokemon% Attacks Porygon! pause cls echo Porygon gains damege! pause cls echo R.O.B.: Porygon use hyper beam on %pokemon%! pause cls echo Porygon used hyper beam on %pokemon%! pause cls echo %pokemon% has a small amount of health left! pause :ahahah cls echo Translate this word to attack, esquiar. echo. echo. set /p fg= if %fg% equ toski goto fg goto ahahah :fg cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Porygon! pause cls echo Porygon fainted! pause cls echo R.O.B.: Go voltorb! pause cls echo A large pixalated beam shoots out of the screen and turns into voltorb! pause cls echo Voltorb: VOLTORB!!!! pause :voltorb cls echo Translate hablarportelefono to attack. echo. echo. set /p rf= if %rf% equ totalkonthephone goto brotlov goto voltorb :brotlov cls echo %pokemon% Attacks voltorb! pause cls echo Voltorb fainted! pause cls echo %name% Wins the battle! pause cls echo R.O.B.: Good job you have beaten me, and as a reward here is the voltorb badge! pause cls echo R.O.B.: With the voltorb badge %pokemon% can use HM2 ROCKCLIMB, outside of battle! pause cls echo Now with the Voltorb badge %name%, %pokemon% and egg are on there way to the next town when you stop at thelitteral end of the road! pause cls echo The road that should lead to the next city is gone and its high above the ocean and none of your pokemon know HM3 SURF! pause cls echo BEEP BEEP!!!! pause cls echo Just then you turn around and see a lighn of cars behind you! pause cls echo You run off the road onto the side walk and watch as the cars hover over the missing road! pause cls echo You now notice a sighn that says, "HOVER CARS ONLY! REGULAR ROAD CONSTRUCTION TO BE FINISHED IN 1 MONTH! pause cls echo %name%: ONE MONTH! I cant wait that long to go to the next town! pause cls echo Just then you hear the sound of a bike bell! pause cls echo Its Roko! pause cls echo Roko: Hey %name% can you give me some room to cross? pause cls echo %name%: But its a hoover bridge and your on a bike! pause cls echo Roko: I know but i majorly modafied my bike and now its a hover bike! pause cls CALL hover.png cls echo %name%: Can i get a ride acrosse the hover road? I cant wait a month! pause cls echo Roko: Shure just hope on i will ride you acrosse! pause cls echo You get on the bike and the bike quickly hovers to the other side! pause cls echo As you reach the other side and land you get off and start to thank Roko but you hear a loud cracking sound! pause cls echo Roko: What was that? pause cls echo %name%: It must be this egg a girl gave me a while back! pause cls echo %name% Pulls out the egg and %name% and Roko look closly at the forming cracks on the egg! pause cls echo The egg cracks get bigger and you can here sounds coming from the inside then it... pause cls echo HATCHES! pause cls echo The egg ahtches reveling a strang pink cat like pokemon with a long tal and samll paws! pause cls echo The baby pokemon is floating above the remains of the egg! pause cls echo %name%: What kind of pokemon is this? pause cls echo Roko: Hold let me scan it with my pokedex that the scientist gave me! pause cls echo Roko scans the pokemon with the pokedex! pause cls echo Pokedex: No information about this pokemon except for its dna matching that of the belived to be exenct pokemon nick named M1! pause cls echo %name%: M1? pause cls echo Roko: You think it has something to do with that M2 team vr64 and that scientist were talking about? pause cls echo %name%: Dont know, but i have an extreamly rare thought to be extenct pokemon! I will name him M1 because of his nickname! pause cls echo Roko: You should show M1 to this towns scientist! pause cls echo %name%: Ok! pause cls echo Roko rides off into the town. pause cls echo You walk into town. pause cls echo Ther is a pokecenter, a gym, and a townlab. pause :gen3 cls echo pokecenter/gym/townlab? echo. echo. set /p roadblock= if %roadblock% equ pokecenter goto gen1 if %roadblock% equ gym goto gen1 if %roadblock% equ townlab goto gen2 goto gen3 pause :gen1 cls echo %roadblock% is closed right now! pause goto gen3 :gen2 cls echo %name% Go's into the town lab and the lab's scientist greets %name%! pause cls echo Scientist: Hello my name is Kyle how can i help you? pause cls echo %name% Hands Kyle M1. pause cls echo Kyle: Is this M1! pause cls echo %name%: I think so. pause cls echo Kyle: Let me run some test! pause cls echo Kyle puts M1 into a bunch of different machines and gives it test! pause cls echo Kyle: Amazing this is a baby M1! pause cls echo %name%: What does M1 stand for? pause cls echo Kyle: We dont know what it stands for we just call it that because wene we found what we believe to be cave paintings of it the word M1 was written in an ancient langueg that we translated! pause cls echo Kyle: The words we translated said that when M1 returns there will be a battle with M2 and the winner will set the fate of the universe! M2 will make a bad fate of extenction of all life except for it, and M1 will make a good fate and will Kill M2 and then leave forever and will only return if M2 returns again! pause cls echo %name%: Hey Team vr64 was talking about bringing M2 back! pause cls echo Kyle: They cant bring M2 back without this! pause cls echo Kyle pulls out a small pod like device! pause cls echo Kyle: In here is the secret to bringing M2 back! pause cls echo Thank you! Said a familiore voice! pause cls echo The team vr64 boss walks into the room! pause cls echo Boss: Ill take that! pause cls echo The boss grabs the item Kyle was holding and ran off! pause cls echo Kyle: Stop him! pause cls echo %name% Is to late, the boss has gotten into his hellecopter and flew off! pause cls echo Kyle: quickly you must go to the elete four and tell them what has happened! pause cls echo %name%: But i dont have the rest of the badges and its a long walk! pause cls echo Kyle: Battle me if you win i can give you the rest of the badgese then i can teleport you to victory toad! pause cls echo Kyle has started a battle with %name%! pause cls echo Kyle: Go garadose! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause :jhnfe cls echo Translate iralaescuela to english. echo. echo. set /p qq= if %qq% equ togotoschool goto qq goto jhnfe :qq cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Garidose! pause cls echo Garadose lost 1/4 helth! pause cls echo Garadose attacked %pokemon%! pause cls echo %pokemon% lost halfe its helth! pause :hnca cls echo Translate jugarvideojuegos to english. echo. echo. set /p sm= if %sm% equ toplayvideogames goto sm goto hnca :sm cls echo %pokemon% Attacked garadose! pause cls echo Garadose fainted! pause cls echo Kyle: Go Magicarp! pause :punkdef cls echo Translate leerrevistas to english! echo. echo. set /p defpunk= if %defpunk% equ toreadmagazines goto defpunk goto punkdef :defpunk cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Magicarp! pause cls echo Magicarp fainted! pause cls echo Kyle: Go snorlax! pause cls echo Snorlax: SNOR! pause :ytwa cls echo Translate montarenbiciclet to english! echo. echo. set /p awty= if %awty% equ torideabicycle goto awty goto ytwa :awty cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Snorlax! pause cls echo %pokemon%'s Attack does not affect Snorlax! pause cls echo Snorlax is asleep and wont wake up! pause cls echo %name% Wins the battle! pause cls echo Kyle: Good job! pause cls echo Kyle: Now here are the badges now step on the telleporter and i will send you to victory road. From there it will be a short walk to the elete foure! pause cls echo Kyle then teleports you to victory road! pause cls echo %name% Is standing in front of the gate to victory road! pause cls echo Pleas show me your badges. Says the man in front of the gate. pause cls echo %name% Gives him the badges! pause cls echo Man: Enter! pause cls echo %name% Walks into victory road! pause cls echo %name% Reaches the first obsticle! pause cls echo Translate these ten spanish words! pause :1 cls echo montarenmonopatin. echo. echo. set /p a= if %a% equ toskateboard goto a goto 1 :a cls echo nadar echo. echo. set /p b= if %b% equ toswim goto b goto a :b cls echo pasartiempoconamigos echo. echo. set /p c= if %c% equ tospendtimewithfriends goto c goto b :c cls echo patinar echo. echo. set /p d= if %d% equ toskate goto d goto c :d cls echo practicardeportes echo. echo. set /p e= if %e% equ toplaysports goto e goto d :e cls echo tocarlaguitarra echo. echo. set /p f= if %f% equ toplaytheguitar goto f goto e :f cls echo trabajar echo. echo. set /p g= if %g% equ towork goto g goto f :g cls echo usarlacomputadora echo. echo. set /p h= if %h% equ tousethecomputer goto h goto g :h cls echo verlatele echo. echo. set /p i= if %i% equ towatchtelevision goto i goto h :i cls echo megusta echo. echo. set /p j= if %j% equ iliketo goto j goto i :j cls echo You have passed the first of 4 challenges in victory road! pause cls echo %name% Walks on and reaches the second challenge! pause cls echo Translate these 10 english words! pause :0 cls echo amitambien echo. echo. set /p 1= if %1% equ idotoo goto 1 goto 0 :1 cls echo nomegusta echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ idontliketo goto 2 goto 1 :2 cls echo quetegustahacer echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ whatdoyouliketodo goto 3 goto 2 :3 cls echo yati echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ andyou goto 4 goto 3 :4 cls echo o echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ or goto 5 goto 4 :5 cls echo si echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ yes goto 6 goto 5 :6 cls echo y echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ and goto 7 goto 6 :7 cls echo artistico echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ artistic goto 8 goto 7 :8 cls echo atrevido echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ daring goto 9 goto 8 :9 cls echo bueno echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ good goto 10 goto 9 :10 cls echo challenge 2/4 complete! pause cls echo Translate the following words to english. pause :mnoih cls echo desordenado echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ messy goto 1a goto mnoih :1a cls echo messy echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ studious goto 2b goto 1a :2b cls echo gracioso echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ funny goto 3c goto 2b :3c cls echo impaciente echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ impatient goto 4d goto 3c :4d cls echo imteligente echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ intelligent goto 5e goto 4d :5e cls echo ordenado echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ neat goto neat :neat cls echo paciente echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ patient goto patient goto neat :patient cls echo perezoso echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ lazy goto lazy goto patient :lazy cls echo serio echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ serious goto serious goto lazy :serious cls echo sociable echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ sociable goto sociable goto serious :sociable cls echo talentoso echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ talented goto talented goto sociable :talented cls echo trabajador echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ hardworking goto hardworking goto talented :hardworking cls echo comoeres echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ whatareyoulike goto whatare goto hardworking :whatare cls echo soy echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ iam goto iam goto whatare :iam cls echo nosoy echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ iamnot goto iamnot goto iam :iamnot cls echo elchico echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ boy goto boy goto iamnot :boy cls echo lachica echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ girl goto girl goto boy :girl cls echo el echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ he goto he goto girl :he cls echo ella echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ she goto she goto girl :she cls echo yo echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ i goto ibnln goto she :ibnln cls echo You have passed the 3/4 stops! pause cls echo You reach a stop! pause cls echo Translate the following words to english. pause :gioug cls echo elalmuerzo echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ lunch goto lunch goto gioug :lunch cls echo laclase echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ class goto class goto lunch :class cls echo arte echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ art goto art goto class :art cls echo espanol echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ spanish goto spanish goto class :spanish cls echo cienciasnaturales echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ science goto science goto spanish :science cls echo cienciassociales echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ socialstudies goto ssdf goto science :ssdf cls echo ingles echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ english goto english goto ssdf :english cls echo As %name% is about to unlock the gate team vr32 Boss apears! pause cls echo %name%: Hey your the boss of team vr32. pause cls echo Boss: Call me hunter. now give me M1! pause cls echo %name%: No! pause cls echo Hunter: Fine then but this is not over yet! pause cls echo Hunter runs off somewhere! pause cls echo %name% begeins to unlock the gate! pause cls echo As %name% unlocks the gate a man runs up! pause cls echo Man: Hello %name% i have been sent to bring you past the elete four directly to the chapion so you can stop team vr32 in time! pause cls echo The man walks %name% to the chapion and leaves! pause cls echo Hello i am Mr.Colclough the elete four champion! pause :loopkill cls echo Mr.Colclough: Are you ready to battle me? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ yes goto killloop goto loopkill :killloop cls echo Mr.Colclough: Lets battle! pause cls echo Elete four champion Mr.Colclough has started a battle with %name%! pause cls echo %name%: Go %pokemon%! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Go Farfetched! pause cls echo Farfetched: FAR! FETCH! FARFETCHED! pause cls echo Translate fkjh to spanish (fkjh). echo. echo. set /p fkjh= if %fkjh% equ fkjh goto fkjh goto hjkf :hjkf cls echo Translate fkjh to spanish (fkjh). echo. echo. set /p fkjh= if %fkjh% equ fkjh goto fkjh goto hjkf :fkjh cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Farfetched! pause cls echo Farfetched fainted! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Go magnimite! pause cls echo Magnimite: MITE! pause cls echo Translate fgty to english. echo. echo. set /p fgty= if %fgty% equ fgty goto fgty goto ytgf :ytgf cls echo Translate fgty to english. echo. echo. set /p fgty= if %fgty% equ fgty goto fgty goto ytgf :fgty cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Magnimite! pause cls echo Magnimite fainted! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Go evee! pause cls echo Evee: Evee! pause cls echo Translate mnbv to spanish. echo. echo. set /p mnbv= if %mnbv% equ mnbv goto mnbv goto vbnm :vbnm cls echo Translate mnbv to spanish. echo. echo. set /p mnbv= if %mnbv% equ mnbv goto mnbv goto vbnm :mnbv cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Evee! pause cls echo Evee fainted! pause cls echo CRASH! pause cls echo Just then in the middle of the battle a large flying cruise ship crashed into the battle room! pause cls echo Mr.colclough: What is this! This is an official battle and can not be desterbed! pause cls echo Just then Team vr32's Boss Hunter walked out of the ship! pause cls echo %name%: Hunter! pause cls echo Hunter: Go Alakazam! pause cls echo Alakazam: Kazam! pause cls echo Hunter: Alakazam use teleport on Mr.Colclough! pause cls echo Alakazam: Kazam! pause cls echo Alakazam teleported Mr.Colcloughe away! pause cls echo Hunter: Alakazam return! pause cls echo Hunter: Now give me M1! pause cls echo %name%: Never! pause cls echo Hunter: Fine i'll take it by force! pause cls echo Hunter: Go IAN! pause cls CALL ian.png echo %name%: What is that thing? pause cls echo Hunter: A side project to mix human with pokemon! It may be freakish but it is strong! pause cls echo Hunter: Ian use annoyince on %name%! pause cls echo Ian attacked %name%! pause cls echo %name% is to weak to fight! pause cls echo Hunter: Ian take M1 and bring it to me! pause cls echo Ian takes M1 and brings it to Hunter! pause cls echo Hunter presses a button on his watch and a machene rolls out of the ship next to him! pause cls echo Hunter puts M1 into a capsle on the machine and the ittem into another capsle on the machine! pause cls echo Hunter: YES! pause cls echo Hunter presses a button on the machine and it starts to drain M1's energy and put into the ittem! pause cls echo The item is turning into something! pause cls echo It looks like a creature! pause cls echo It is a creature! pause cls echo Its a pokemon! pause cls echo Hunter: M2 is back! pause cls echo The pokemon is now fully formed and wakes up and blows up the capsle that holds it and is now free! pause cls echo Hunter: M2 i am your master and your real name is MEW2! pause cls echo Hunter: MEW2 Destroy %name%! pause cls echo MEW2 does not move but looks around in confusment. pause cls echo Hunter: MEW2 what are you doing? I am your master and i order you to destroy %name% now! pause cls echo MEW2 Looks around with anger! pause cls echo Hunter: You will obay me! pause cls echo Hunter pulls out a small remote controll like device and points it at MEW2, giving MEW2 sever electric shocks! pause cls echo Hunter: Obay me NOW! pause cls echo Hunter zaps MEW2 more! pause cls echo MEW2: NO! pause cls echo MEW2's eyes turn blue and it uses its siciqe powers to destroy the shocking device! pause cls echo MEW2 then creats a larg buble of siciqe energy and throws it at Hunter! pause cls echo The siciqe buble hits Hunter and envelops him then disipates and Hunter is gone! pause cls echo MEW2 Then creats a new siciqe buble and throws it at %name%! pause cls echo MEW! Says M1 as it escapes its pokeball! pause cls echo M1 now know as MEW has run in front %name% saving %name%! pause cls echo MEW Then creates a buble of pure death and throws it at MEW2! pause cls echo MEW2 is hit but is still ok! pause cls echo MEW2's eyes turn yellow and large bolts of lightning stirke MEW2 but MEW2 seamed not to notice! pause cls echo MEW2 then gathered all of the energy from the lightning bolts and started shooting lightning bolts from its fingers at %name%! pause cls echo MEW then blocked all of the lightning bolts protecting %name%! pause cls echo MEW2 then created a giant buble of lithning energy and threw it at MEW! pause cls echo MEW is low on health! pause cls echo MEW2 then uses its powers to repeaditly smash MEW into the ground untill it stoped moving! pause cls echo MEW2 then turned to %name% and used it powers to lift you up into the air and let go and %name% is falling to the ground! pause cls echo MEW gets up and saves %name% and then grabs MEW2 by the head and riped MEW2 in half! pause cls echo MEW then went back into its pokeball! pause cls echo Just then Mr.Colclough runs into the battle room! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Lets finish our battle %name%! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough has resumed the battle with %name%! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough has resumed the battle with %name%! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Go togapei! pause cls echo Togapei: togapei. pause :uihj cls echo Translate jhiu to spanish echo. echo. set /p jhiu= if %jhiu% equ jhiu goto jhiu goto uihj :jhiu cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Togapei! pause cls echo Togapei fainted! pause cls echo Mr:Colclough: Go Raichu! pause cls echo Raichu: Rai, Rai! pause :uir cls echo Translate ybve to english. echo. echo. set /p ybve= if %ybve% equ ybve goto ybve goto uir :ybve cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Raichu! pause cls echo Raichu fainted! pause cls echo Mr:Colclough: Go Jynx! cls echo Jynx: Jynx, Jynx! pause :udgiueb cls echo Translate hfdu to spanish. set /p hfdu= if %hfdu% equ hfdu goto hfdu goto udgiueb :hfdu cls echo %pokemon% Attacked Jynx! pause cls echo Jynx Fainted! pause CALL victoryallvictorys.mp3 cls echo %name% has defeated Eleate four champion Mr.Colclough! pause cls echo Mr:Colclough: Congragulations you have defeated me and you will now be recorded into the hall of records! pause cls echo Just then the doors in the battle room fly open and roko runs into the room followed by Pr.Oak! pause cls echo Roko: %name% im here to cheer you on in your battle against the champion! pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Hello im sarry but your to late, %name% has allready won! pause cls echo Pr.Oak: See roko you had nothing to worry about! pause cls echo Pr.Oak: Good job %name%, You had a grat jurny, and learned much about the world of pokemon. And for beating the champion here is an awsome picture! pause cls echo Pr.Oak: Hold on let me just print it out! pause cls echo PRINTING....PRINTING....PRINTING....PRINTING....PRINTING....PRINTING.......... pause cls echo Printing complete! Please go pick up the picture in the rooms printer! pause cls echo Roko: Hey can i battle the champion now? pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: After i have recorded %name% into the hall of fame. pause cls echo %name% And Mr.Colclough walk into the next room. It is a small room with a computer. pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: Let me register you into the hall of fame. pause cls echo Mr.Colclough: There you are registered. Let us go back so that i may battle roko. pause cls echo %name% And Mr.Colclogh walk back into the battle room. pause cls echo Mr.Colclogh: Ok roko are you ready for a battle? pause cls echo Roko: Yup! Lets battle! pause cls echo Elete four champion Mr.Colclough has started a battle with Roko! pause cls echo Roko: Go Missi..... pause cls echo CCCCCRRRRRRAAAAAASSSSSHHHHHH! pause cls echo As Roko and Mr.Colclough are about to start a battle there is a loud noise from outside! pause cls echo Something crashes into the roof of the battle room and a large part of the celling falls, luckaly missing every one! pause cls echo Then two Strange looking creatures fly into the missing roof into the battle room and start fighting each other! pause cls echo They are pokemon! pause cls echo One of the gigantic pokemon has large whiteish silver wings with blue eyes a large tail and an arching head! pause cls echo The other gigantic pokemon has large golden wings and with golden eyes and a short feathery tail and sharp claws and a long beak! pause cls echo The a giant zeppalin flys in through the holl into the battle room as it chases the tow giant pokemon fighting each other! pause cls echo One unseen pearson in the zeppilin yells at one of the pokemon! pause cls echo Unseen pearson: HO-OH, We team ULATRA 64 command you to destroy LUGIA, NOW! pause cls echo The golden pokemon seems to obay the command and starts breathing fire trying to hit the silverish white pokemon! pause cls echo Pr.Oak: It seems that your pokemon jurny is not over yet! pause cls echo TO echo BE echo CONTINUED echo IN..... pause cls echo SPANISH POKEMON 2: GOLD AND SILVER! pause cls echo COMING: EVENTUALLY, 201? >:) pause cls echo Good job you have won the game! pause cls