-download my included files -download and install processing: https://processing.org/download/ -download and install inkscape version(0.48.5 important or the g-code plugin won't work):https://inkscape.org/fr/telecharger/windows/ -download gcode plugin for inkscape (the installation note is included):https://github.com/martymcguire/inkscape-unicorn upload the sketch to archuino Tun_Maker_Mini_Arduino_Plotter.ino now open gctrl.pde with processing change "COM38" with the usb port of your arduino and your good to go Tunisian Maker: if you have a problem conatct me : youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFmFKMpUdyIiE55W3KsTzw facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tunisianmaker