Source code =========== Module 1: --------- Option Explicit Sub SelectedLocation(ByVal cardName As String, ByVal ArriveOn As String, ByVal targetRow As Long, ByVal targetCol As Long) Dim aHourMin() As String Dim strHour As String Dim strMinute As String Dim ArriveInMin As String ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow + 1, 2).Value = cardName ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetCol).Value = cardName 'ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetCol).Value = cardName ' Adding up the time for "Arrive On" ' The format pass to here is 1 hour 58 minutes strHour = "0" strMinute = "" If InStr(LCase(ArriveOn), "hour") > 0 Then aHourMin = Split(LCase(ArriveOn), "hour") strHour = aHourMin(0) strMinute = Split(aHourMin(1), "minute")(0) Else aHourMin = Split(LCase(ArriveOn), "minute") strMinute = aHourMin(0) End If ArriveInMin = strHour & ":" & strMinute 'ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, 14).Value = ArriveOn 'ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, 16).Value = ArriveInMin ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, 5).Value = CDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, 3).Value) + CDate(ArriveInMin) ' In time format ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow + 1, 3).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, 5).Value End Sub Sheet1 (Start): --------------- Option Explicit Const MAPPINGTRIP As String = "MappingTrip" Const APIKey As String = "DjTSij834HoAGE1NFdBn9fQv3ZTwfEmQ" Const STATICMAP As String = "" Const ROUTEMATRIX As String = "" Const cardWidth = 200 Const cardHeight = 100 Const cardSeparator = 5 Const cardWithText = 50 Dim totalCard As Integer Private Sub DrawDestinationShape(ByVal cellTarget As String, ByVal destinationRow As Integer, ByVal destinationCol As Integer) Dim shapeRectangle As Shape Dim shapeTextBox As Shape Dim totalRow As Integer Dim iRow As Integer Dim strShapeName As String Dim intLeft As Integer Dim intTop As Integer Dim shp As Shape Dim wsCard As Worksheet Dim sheetName As String Dim shapeTextTitle As String Dim shapeTextBody As String Dim allLength As Integer Dim mapCity As String Dim mapCityDest As String Dim returnDistance As String Dim mapDistance As String Dim strMapTime As String Dim topBeginPos As Integer Dim gAPIMapUrl As String Dim iMappingTrip As Integer Dim intDestRow As Integer Dim intDestCol As Integer 'Dim Auth As New GoogleAuthenticator ' If value change, let's remove the shape(s) first For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If Left(shp.Name, 11) = MAPPINGTRIP Then shp.Delete End If Next shp Application.ScreenUpdating = True totalCard = 0 intDestRow = destinationRow intDestCol = destinationCol topBeginPos = ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow + 1, intDestCol).Top mapCity = Replace(RTrim(LTrim(ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, 2).Value)), " ", "+") mapCityDest = RTrim(LTrim(ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, intDestCol).Value)) mapCityDest = Replace(mapCityDest, " ", "+") 'Map quest seem better with a "+" instead of space gAPIMapUrl = STATICMAP & "start=" & mapCity & "&end=" & mapCityDest & "&size=600,400@2x&key=" & APIKey 'ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, 17).Value = gAPIMapUrl 'iMappingTrip = iMappingTrip + 1 iMappingTrip = 1 intLeft = ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, intDestCol + 4).Left + cardSeparator 'Me.Columns(ActiveCell.Column + 1).Left + cardSeparator intTop = topBeginPos + (totalCard * (100 + cardSeparator)) strShapeName = MAPPINGTRIP & "Map" & iMappingTrip Set shapeRectangle = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, intLeft, intTop, cardWidth, cardHeight) shapeRectangle.Name = strShapeName ' If different country, use routeArc is better ' Refer to ' One to many route matrix '[...]&ambiguities=ignore&doReverseGeocode=false&outFormat=xml&routeType=fastest&unit=k&allToAll=false&manyToOne=true&from=Prag%201%20Tschechien&to=01067%20Dresden&to=90471%20Nuernberg&to=48143%20Muenster '[...]&ambiguities=ignore&doReverseGeocode=false&outFormat=xml&json={options:{routeType:"fastest",unit:"k",allToAll:"false",oneToMany:"true"},locations:["35.6279341,140.1614732","35.6533836,140.0298335","35.6466112,140.0397265","35.6498048,140.0341671"]} shapeRectangle.Fill.userPicture gAPIMapUrl ' For error handling, check the return code of xxx returnDistance = OnlineDistanceTime(mapCity, mapCityDest) 'returnDistance = GetDistanceAndTime(mapCity, mapCityDest) 'ActiveSheet.Cells(21, 13).Value = "Text = " & returnDistance & ". Len: " & Len(returnDistance) mapDistance = Split(returnDistance, "-_-")(0) strMapTime = Split(returnDistance, "-_-")(1) With ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShapeName).Select ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, intDestCol + 2).Value = mapDistance ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, intDestCol + 3).Value = strMapTime Selection.Characters.Text = "Distance: " & mapDistance & vbCrLf & "Time: " & strMapTime Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 128, 128) 'RGB(51, 102, 255) RGB(0, 128, 128) 'RGB(51, 153, 102) 'RGB(128, 128, 0) ' Some colors to play around Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Transparency = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 0.1 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Style = msoLineSingle Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoTrue Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 17 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) allLength = Len(shapeTextTitle) + Len(shapeTextBody) With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=allLength).Font .Name = "Arial" .FontStyle = "Regular" '.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) .Size = 10 .Shadow = True End With End With With ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShapeName).Shadow .Visible = True '.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0) .Transparency = 0.8 End With totalCard = 1 ' Get the photo to the exact location LocationDetails Replace(mapCity, "+", " "), Replace(mapCityDest, "+", " "), True, intDestRow, intDestCol ' Get some photos for the same the city LocationDetails Replace(mapCity, "+", " "), Replace(mapCityDest, "+", " "), False, intDestRow, intDestCol ' Weird problem after copy and paste code 'ShapeMacroLinkAll_RemoveWorkbookRef ActiveSheet.Cells(intDestRow, intDestCol).Select End Sub Function OnlineDistanceTime(ByVal textFrom As String, ByVal textTo As String) As String Dim returnValue As String Dim strMapTime As String Dim strMapDistance As String Dim returnDistance As String Dim textTime As String Dim aDistance() As String Dim aMapDistance() As String Dim gAPIMapUrl As String Dim mapDistance As Double Dim mapTime As Double Dim intHour As Double Dim intMinute As Integer 'On Error GoTo Error_handler: ' Get the different between 2 points. ' MapQuest route matrix limits ' A One to Many route matrix call can handle up to 100 locations. ' A Many to One matrix call can handle up to 50 locations. ' An all to all route matrix call can handle up to 25 locations. ' More Info: ' e.g. Jason: ' XML : ',NY&end=London,England&routeArc=true&size=@2x&key=KEY 'gAPIMapUrl = "" & strFromCoordinate & "&to=" & strToCoordinate & "&key=" & APIKey gAPIMapUrl = ROUTEMATRIX & "&from=" & textFrom & "&to=" & textTo & "&key=" & APIKey 'MsgBox "map distance url: " & gAPIMapUrl returnDistance = getDistance(gAPIMapUrl) returnDistance = Replace(returnDistance, "[", "") returnDistance = Replace(returnDistance, "]", "") aDistance = Split(returnDistance, "-_-") '0,24.293,24.403,0-_-0,1790,1798,0 ' Get the distance in km aMapDistance = Split(aDistance(0), ",") '0,24.293,24.403,0 mapDistance = CDbl(aMapDistance(1)) + CDbl(aMapDistance(2)) 'mapDistance = mapDistance / 2 mapDistance = Round(mapDistance, 1) strMapDistance = mapDistance & " km" ' Get the time minutes or hours + minutes aMapDistance = Split(aDistance(1), ",") '0,1790,1798,0 mapTime = CDbl(aMapDistance(1)) + CDbl(aMapDistance(2)) mapTime = mapTime / 2 mapTime = mapTime / 60 mapTime = Round(mapTime, 0) If mapTime > 60 Then 'intHour = Split((CDbl(aMapDistance(1)) + CDbl(aMapDistance(2)) / 2) / 60 / 60, ".")(0) intHour = CDbl(aMapDistance(1)) + CDbl(aMapDistance(2)) intHour = intHour / 2 intHour = intHour / 3600 intHour = Split(intHour, ".")(0) intMinute = CDbl(CStr("0." & Split((CDbl(aMapDistance(1)) + CDbl(aMapDistance(2)) / 2) / 60 / 60, ".")(1))) * 60 If intHour > 1 Then strMapTime = CStr(intHour) & " hours" Else strMapTime = CStr(intHour) & " hour" End If strMapTime = strMapTime & " " & CStr(intMinute) & " minutes" Else strMapTime = CStr(mapTime) & " minutes" End If returnValue = strMapDistance & "-_-" & strMapTime OnlineDistanceTime = returnValue End Function Function getDistance(urlAPIMapUrl) As String Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 Dim xmlresponse As New DOMDocument60 Dim retValue As String Dim objJason As Object Dim objJasonItem As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim strDistance As String Dim strTime As String 'On Error Resume Next 'ActiveSheet.Cells(12, 13).Value = urlAPIMapUrl retValue = "Error!" xmlhttp.Open "GET", urlAPIMapUrl, False xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" xmlhttp.send 'ActiveSheet.Cells(13, 18).Value = xmlhttp.responseText Set objJason = JsonConverter.ParseJson(xmlhttp.responseText) i = 0 For Each objJasonItem In objJason.Keys If LCase(Trim(objJasonItem)) = "distance" Then strDistance = Replace(JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(objJason(objJasonItem)), """", "") End If If LCase(Trim(objJasonItem)) = "time" Then strTime = Replace(JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(objJason(objJasonItem)), """", "") End If ' There are 6 keys found from the JASON 'ActiveSheet.Cells(13 + i, 12).Value = i 'ActiveSheet.Cells(13 + i, 13).Value = objJasonItem 'ActiveSheet.Cells(13 + i, 14).Value = Replace(JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(objJason(objJasonItem)), """", "") i = i + 1 Next If Len(strDistance) = 0 Or Len(strTime) = 0 Then retValue = "ERROR!" Else retValue = strDistance & "-_-" & strTime End If getDistance = retValue Set objJason = Nothing Set xmlresponse = Nothing Set xmlhttp = Nothing End Function Sub LocationDetails(ByVal sourceLocation As String, ByVal targetLocation As String, ByVal NoNeedSameCity As Boolean, ByVal targetRow As Long, ByVal targetCol As Long) Dim shapeRectangle As Shape Dim shapeTextBox As Shape Dim totalRow As Integer Dim iRow As Integer Dim strShapeName As String Dim intLeft As Integer Dim intTop As Integer Dim wsCard As Worksheet Dim sheetName As String Dim iCard As Integer Dim bFoundLocation As Boolean Dim shapeTextTitle As String Dim shapeTextBody As String Dim allLength As Integer Dim mapCityDest As String Dim returnDistance As String Dim mapDistance As String Dim strMapTime As String Dim topBeginPos As Integer Dim iMappingTrip As Integer Dim wsLocation As Worksheet Dim iLocation As Integer Dim sourceLocationLocation As String Dim userPicture As String 'totalCard = 1 topBeginPos = ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow + 1, targetCol).Top For iCard = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1 Set wsCard = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(iCard) sheetName = wsCard.Name If LCase(sheetName) = "tokyo" Then totalRow = wsCard.Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row ' Find totalRow. Assume all are pointing to "B1" iMappingTrip = 0 intLeft = 200 For iRow = 2 To totalRow bFoundLocation = False If Not NoNeedSameCity Then 'MsgBox "Need same city" ' Finding the source's location for one time only If iRow = 2 Then Set wsLocation = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Location") For iLocation = 2 To wsLocation.Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row 'MsgBox "Should only run once" If wsLocation.Cells(iLocation, 2).Value = targetLocation Then sourceLocationLocation = wsLocation.Cells(iLocation, 3).Value Exit For End If Next Set wsLocation = Nothing End If 'MsgBox "current location: " & wsCard.Cells(iRow, 3).Value & " | source location: " & sourceLocationLocation _ ' & vbCrLf & "current tokyo place: " & wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " | target place: " & targetLocation If LCase(wsCard.Cells(iRow, 3).Value) = LCase(sourceLocationLocation) Then If LCase(targetLocation) <> LCase(wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value) Then 'MsgBox "Found different place but same tokyo" bFoundLocation = True End If End If Else 'MsgBox "No need same city" If LCase(wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value) = LCase(targetLocation) Then bFoundLocation = True End If End If If bFoundLocation Then intTop = topBeginPos + (totalCard * (100 + cardSeparator)) If totalCard > 1 Then intTop = intTop + ((totalCard - 1) * cardWithText) End If With ActiveSheet iMappingTrip = iMappingTrip + 1 If iMappingTrip = 1 Then intLeft = ActiveSheet.Cells(targetRow, targetCol + 4).Left + 5 Else If iMappingTrip > 1 Then intLeft = intLeft + 205 End If End If ' Giving the shape name. Make sure the same city shape got something to differentiate it. strShapeName = MAPPINGTRIP & sheetName If Not NoNeedSameCity Then strShapeName = strShapeName & "City" End If strShapeName = strShapeName & iMappingTrip Set shapeRectangle = .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, intLeft, intTop, cardWidth, cardHeight) shapeRectangle.Name = strShapeName '----- Let's add in distance/time to ease the visiting mapCityDest = wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value 'MsgBox "Dest: " & mapCityDest returnDistance = OnlineDistanceTime(Replace(sourceLocation, " ", "+"), Replace(mapCityDest, " ", "+")) mapDistance = Split(returnDistance, "-_-")(0) strMapTime = Split(returnDistance, "-_-")(1) '----------- With shapeRectangle .OnAction = "'SelectedLocation """ & wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & """, """ & strMapTime & """, " & targetRow & ", " & targetCol & "'" '.OnAction = "'SelectedCard """ & wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & """, " & targetRow & ", " & targetCol & "'" End With With .Shapes(strShapeName).Select shapeTextBody = wsCard.Cells(iRow, 4).Value shapeTextTitle = sourceLocation & " - " & mapCityDest Selection.Characters.Text = shapeTextTitle & vbCrLf & "Distance: " & mapDistance & " / " & strMapTime Selection.Characters(1, Len(shapeTextTitle)).Font.Bold = True allLength = Len(shapeTextTitle) + Len(shapeTextBody) With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=allLength).Font .Name = "Arial" .FontStyle = "Regular" '.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) .Size = 8 .Shadow = True End With ' Show destination description below the picture Set shapeTextBox = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, intLeft, intTop + 100, cardWidth, cardHeight - 50) shapeTextBox.Name = MAPPINGTRIP & sheetName & "Text" & iMappingTrip shapeTextBox.TextFrame.Characters.Text = shapeTextBody shapeTextBox.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial" shapeTextBox.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 8 Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 102, 255) Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Transparency = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 0.1 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Style = msoLineSingle Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoTrue Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 17 Selection.ShapeRange.Line.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255) End With With ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShapeName).Shadow .Visible = True '.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0) .Transparency = 0.8 End With With ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShapeName).Fill .Visible = msoTrue userPicture = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\picture\" & Replace(wsCard.Cells(iRow, 2).Value, " ", "_") & ".jpg" If FileExists(userPicture) Then .userPicture userPicture End If '.TextureTile = msoFalse ActiveSheet.Shapes(strShapeName).Width = 200 End With End With End If If bFoundLocation And NoNeedSameCity Then Exit For End If Next End If If bFoundLocation Then totalCard = totalCard + 1 ' Application.EnableEvents = True ' Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic ' Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Else ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Application.EnableEvents = False ' Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual End If Next Application.EnableEvents = True Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Function FileExists(ByVal filename As String) As Boolean Dim returnValue As String returnValue = "" On Error Resume Next returnValue = Dir(filename) On Error GoTo 0 If returnValue = "" Then FileExists = False Else FileExists = True End If End Function Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim KeyCells As Range Dim textTarget As String 'On Error Resume Next If ActiveSheet.Name = "Start" Then ' Only interested on start worksheet Set KeyCells = Range("D2:D10") If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then 'MsgBox ("Length > zero? " & Len(Target.Value)) 'Display something according to the destination selected If Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column).Value) > 0 Then textTarget = Target.Value DrawDestinationShape textTarget, Target.Row, Target.Column End If End If End If End Sub