#include void initLCD(void); //void enable(void); void LCD_Write(unsigned int c); void LCD_Cmd(unsigned int LCD_Cmd); void delay(void); int main(void) { unsigned char ch[]="Embedotronics"; unsigned char ch1[]="Technologies"; unsigned int i,j,k,t; initLCD(); for(i=0;ch[i]!='\0';i++) LCD_Write(ch[i]); LCD_Cmd(0xc3); for(j=0;ch1[j]!='\0';j++) { LCD_Write(ch1[j]); } while(1){ for(k=0;k<16;k++) { LCD_Cmd(0x1c); for(t=0;t<300000;t++); } } } void initLCD(void) { IO0DIR = 0x0FFFF00; delay(); //Initial Delay LCD_Cmd(0x38); LCD_Cmd(0x01); LCD_Cmd(0x0c); LCD_Cmd(0x83); LCD_Cmd(0x06); } void LCD_Write(unsigned int c) { IO0PIN = (c<<16)|(1<<10); delay(); //Pulse Enable to process it } void LCD_Cmd(unsigned int LCD_Cmd) { IO0PIN = (LCD_Cmd<<16)|(0<<10); delay(); //Pulse Enable to process it } void delay(void) { int i=0,x=0; IO0PIN|=(1<<13); for(i=0; i<19999; i++) { x++; } IO0PIN&=~(1<<13); }