@echo off title BIOLAND :"main" set /a hlt=100 set /a cps=25 set /a revb=0 set /a shotb=0 set /a machb=0 set /a lvl=1 set /a exp=0 echo -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- echo -------------------------------------------- echo W E L C O M E T O B I O L A N D echo -------------------------------------------- echo by CandyCane echo -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- echo. echo. echo Type start to continue..... echo. echo. echo. color a set /p a1="type start to continue..." if %a1%==start goto "menu" if %a1%==Start goto "menu" IF not %a1%==start goto "cls" if not %a1%==Start goto "cls" :"menu" cls echo -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- echo -------------------------------------------- echo W E L C O M E T O B I O L A N D echo -------------------------------------------- echo by CandyCane echo -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- echo. echo. echo 1. New game? echo 2. Load game? echo 3. Exit? set /p menua="" if %menua%==1 goto "name" if %menua%==2 goto "load" if %menua%==3 goto "cls" :"load" cls < savegame.sav ( set /p name= set /p hlt= set /p cps= set /p lvl= set /p exp= set /p revb= set /p shotb= set /p machb= ) goto "shack" :"name" cls echo What is your name? set /p name="" goto "name1" :"name1" cls echo Are you sure your name is %name%? echo. echo 1. Yes echo 2. No set /p name2="" if %name2%==1 goto "begin" if %name2%==2 goto "name" :"begin" //Check for bugs cls echo You wake up, disoriented. You notice that you are in a small room with some sunshine coming through the boarded up window... echo. echo there is a backpack next to you... pause cls echo. echo What would you like to do? echo. echo 1. Look around echo 2. Investigate backpack echo 3. Help set /p a2="" if %a2%==1 goto "shackintro" if %a2%==2 goto "backpack1" if %a2%==3 goto "help" :"shackintro" cls echo You look around and realize that you are inside of your shack... pause goto "shack" :"shack" //Check for bugs cls echo ()()()()()()()()()()()()()() echo S H A C K echo ()()()()()()()()()()()()()() echo. echo Welcome to your Shack! Here you can check your Inventory, status, buy things, etc echo. echo. echo What would you like to do? echo. echo 1. Arena echo 2. Check inventory echo 3. Check status echo 4. Shop echo 5. Save echo 6. Exit set /p a3="" if %a3%==1 goto "arena" if %a3%==2 goto "inv" if %a3%==3 goto "status" if %a3%==4 goto "shop" if %a3%==5 goto "save" if %a3%==6 goto "cls" :"save" cls ( echo %name% echo %hlt% echo %cps% echo %lvl% echo %exp% echo %revb% echo %shotb% echo %machb% ) > savegame.sav echo Your game has been saved... pause goto "shack" :"backpack1" //Check for bugs cls echo You search the backpack. You find a folded piece of paper and an old rusty revolver... pause cls echo What would you like to do? echo. echo 1. read paper echo 2. take revolver echo 3. go back set /p a4="" if %a4%==1 goto "paper1" if %a4%==2 goto "rev1" if %a4%==3 goto "begin" :"paper1" cls echo You read the paper... echo. echo. echo ------------------------------------ echo To %name%... echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. please be careful... echo. echo not everything is as it seems... echo. echo. echo. ------------------------------------- set /p paper2="" goto "backpack1" :"rev1" cls if %revb%==1 goto "null" set /a revb=%revb% + 1 echo You take the old, rusty revolver with one single bullet inside... echo. echo. set /p revb="" goto "backpack1" :"null" cls echo You have already picked up this item... pause goto "backpack1" :"arena" //Test for bugs cls if %hlt%==0 goto "dead" echo ---------------------- echo ====================== echo A R E N A echo ====================== echo ---------------------- echo. echo Welcome to the Arena. Here you can fight opponents and earn Experience echo. echo 1. Random Opponent echo 2. Return to shack echo 3. Shop set /p ar1="" if %ar1%==1 goto "randomopp" if %ar1%==2 goto "shack" if %ar1%==3 goto "shop" :"inv" //Check for bugs cls echo ---------------------- echo I N V E N T O R Y echo ---------------------- echo {Revolver Bullets}:%revb% echo. echo {Shotgun Bullets}:%shotb% echo. echo {MachineGun Bullets}:%machb% set /p inv="" goto "shack" :"status" cls echo --------------------------- echo Name: %name% Level: %lvl% echo --------------------------- echo. echo {Health}: %hlt% echo {Caps}: %cps% set /p status="" goto "shack" :"help" cls echo Bioland is a text based game. You will type the number of the choice you want and then press enter. This echo game is made soley by me, Jason. Please dont leech! echo. set /p h="" goto "begin" :"shop" //check for bugs //Add guns and Machine/Shotgun ammo cls echo ----------------------- echo S H O P echo ----------------------- echo. echo. echo What would you like to purchase? echo. echo. echo 1. Revolver Bullets (10 caps) echo 2. Machinegun Bullets (20 caps) echo 3. Shotgun Bullets (40 caps) echo 4. go back set /p answer="" if %answer%==1 goto "purchrev" if %answer%==4 goto "shack" :"purchrev" //Fix cls :"cantafford" cls echo You cant afford this... pause goto "shop" :"lvl" cls echo You gained a level! pause :"randomopp" cls set /a num=%random% %%2 +1 if %num%==2 goto "radroach" if %num%==1 goto "goul" if %num%==3 goto "deathclaw" :"radroach" //Test for bugs cls set /a radhealth=50 if %hlt%==0 goto "dead" if %revb%==0 goto "radnoammo" echo You encountered a RADROACH! pause cls echo ------------------- echo R A D R O A C H echo ------------------- echo Radroach Health: %radhealth% echo Your health: %hlt% echo. echo 1. Attack echo 2. Check inventory echo 3. Flee echo. set /p rad1="" if %rad1%==1 goto "radattack" if %rad1%==2 goto "radinv" if %rad1%==3 goto "radflee" :"radattack" cls echo What would you like to attack the Radroach with? echo. echo 1. Revolver: %revb% bullet/s echo 2. MachineGun: %mashb% bullet/s echo 3. Shotgun: %shotb% bullet/s echo 4. Return echo. set /p radattack1="" if %radattack1%==1 goto "radreva" if %radattack1%==2 goto "radmacha" if %radattack1%==3 goto "radshota" if %radattack1%==4 goto "radroach" :"radreva" cls if %revb%==0 goto "radnoammo" set /a num=%random% %%2 +1 if %num%==1 goto "radhitrev" if %num%==2 goto "radhitrev" if %num%==3 goto "radmissrev" :"radhitrev" cls set /a radhealth=%radhealth% -50 echo You hit the radroach... set /a revb=%revb% -1 pause if %radhealth%==0 goto "killedrad" if not %radhealth%==0 goto "radattack" :"radmissrev" cls echo You missed and took damage... :"radinv" //Test for bugs cls echo {Revolver Bullets}:%revb% echo. echo {Shotgun Bullets}:%shotb% echo. echo {MachineGun Bullets}:%machb% pause goto "radroach" :"killedrad" cls echo You have defeated the radroach... set /a exp=%exp% +50 if %exp%==100 goto "lvlup" set /a cps=%cps% +30 pause goto "arena" :"radnoammo" //Test for bugs cls echo You dont have enough ammo... pause goto "radroach" :"radflee" cls echo You fled from the Radroach but lost some health... set /a hlt=%hlt% -10 if %hlt%==0 goto "dead" :"goul" cls //Finish echo You need to set up the Goul fight scene... pause goto "arena" :"lvlup" cls set /a lvl=%lvl% +1 echo You have reached level %lvl%! pause :"dead" cls echo YOU HAVE DIED..... echo. echo Restart? echo 1. Yes echo 2. No set /p dead="" if %dead%==1 goto "main" if %dead%==2 goto "cls" :"cls" cls exit