function test_somethinga(); % Make Pipeline object to manage streaming pipe = realsense.pipeline(); % Make Colorizer object to prettify depth output colorizer = realsense.colorizer(); imgstore=[]; % Start streaming on an arbitrary camera with default settings profile = pipe.start(); figure('visible','on'); hold on; figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) % Get streaming device's name dev = profile.get_device(); name = dev.get_info(; % Get frames. We discard the first couple to allow % the camera time to settle for i = 1:200 fs = pipe.wait_for_frames(); % Stop streaming % Select depth frame depth = fs.get_depth_frame(); % Colorize depth frame color = colorizer.colorize(depth); % Get actual data and convert into a format imshow can use % (Color data arrives as [R, G, B, R, G, B, ...] vector) data = color.get_data(); img = permute(reshape(data',[3,color.get_width(),color.get_height()]),[3 2 1]); img(:,1:100,:)=[]; img(:,840:end,:)=[]; img(460:480,:,:)=[]; A(:,:,:)=img(:,:,:); % Display image g=rgb2gray(img); size(g); level=graythresh(g); BW2 = edge(g,'Prewitt'); Ibw1 = imfill(BW2,'holes'); binaryImage = bwareafilt(Ibw1, 1); % Extract largest blob only. cleanedBinaryImage = bwareaopen(binaryImage, 15); % Remove blobs smaller than 40. info = regionprops(cleanedBinaryImage,'Boundingbox'); for k = 1 : length(info) BB = info(k).BoundingBox; X1(:,k)=[BB(1)]; X2(:,k)=[BB(2)]; X3(:,k)=[BB(3)+4]; X4(:,k)=[BB(4)+4]; X=transpose([X1;X2;X3;X4]); end IExpandedBBoxes = insertShape(img,'Rectangle',X,'LineWidth',3); overlapRatio = bboxOverlapRatio(X, X); n = size(overlapRatio,1); overlapRatio(1:n+1:n^2) = 0; g1 = graph(overlapRatio); componentIndices = conncomp(g1); c=1; % Merge the boxes based on the minimum and maximum dimensions. xmin = accumarray(componentIndices', X1, [], @min); ymin = accumarray(componentIndices', X2, [], @min); xmax = accumarray(componentIndices', X3, [], @max); ymax = accumarray(componentIndices', X4, [], @max); textBBoxes = [xmin ymin xmax ymax]; ITextRegion = insertShape(img, 'Rectangle', textBBoxes,'LineWidth',3); s(i,:)= [regionprops(ITextRegion,'centroid')]; xcenter=round(xmin +(xmax/2)); ycenter=round(ymin+(ymax/2)); cent=g(xcenter,ycenter); str = strcat('') imshow(ITextRegion) end pipe.stop(); end