@echo off title MICROWAVE By The Patrick Kendrick Maranon Association color 30 echo Starting Up M - By Patrick Kendrick Maranon ping localhost -n 7 >nul cls echo Please continue To Warm Up. Please Put This Window In Full Screen and In The Top Left Corner For The Best Experience. echo. pause :start cls echo What Would You Like To Microwave? echo Popcorn echo Meat echo Junk food echo Defrost echo Fast food echo Vegtables echo Quick 30 seconds - type quick set /p foodwarm=What Food? Type In LowerCase, No Spaces. if %foodwarm%==popcorn goto pop if %foodwarm%==meat goto meat if %foodwarm%==junkfood goto junkfood if %foodwarm%==defrost goto defrost if %foodwarm%==fastfood goto fastfood if %foodwarm%==vegtables goto vegtables if %foodwarm%==quick goto quick :pop cls color 30 start popcornmusic.mp3 echo Your Popcorn is Warming. echo. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. echo. ping localhost -n 15 >nul goto bye :meat start meatmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Meat is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 25 >nul goto bye :junkfood start junkfoodmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Junk is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto bye :defrost start defrostmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Food is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 15 >nul goto bye :fastfood start fastfoodmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Food is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 10 >nul goto bye :vegtables start vegtablesmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Food is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 15 >nul goto bye :quick start quickmusic.mp3 cls echo Your Food is Warming. echo Thank You For Using M Microwave. ping localhost -n 25 >nul goto bye :bye cls echo Your Food Is Done Warming. echo To Warm Up More, type more. To Leave, type enter To Turn Off Microwave. set /p command=Command? if %command%==enter exit if %command%==more goto start