need to be root user when copying files. Otherwice file permissions wrong. To install an archive with a rootfs (Debian or Angstrom) on SD card, please follow these steps: Insert an SD card into a cardreader on a Linux based development system. It will show up as /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdc1 or similar. We will use /dev/sdb1 and assume that /mnt/card and is an empty directory, otherwise create it. If it gets automounted (the command mount will give you a list of mounted devices and their mount point), first umount it. You need to have root rights to do the following steps: Need to be root user, to make chown correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 umount /dev/sdb1 Then format the SD card with ext3: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 Now it should be mounted.: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/card download nanos images.bz2 Unpack the archive to your card: it creates 3 files. Unpack again. #tar -xvf taskit-rootfs.tar -C /media/2gb The name of the archive may differ. If you encounter a .bz2 use tar -xjvf, if a .gz use tar -xzvf. tar -xjvf rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /media/2gb/ it creates all linux folders Finally umount the card: umount /dev/sdb1 Wait until the command returned, before ejecting the card. Now the card can be used on your target system. HAD PROBELEMS COMPILING make -C /lib/modules/ M=/root/compat-wireless- modules make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory. Stop. make: *** [modules] Error 2 apt-get install build-essential fakeroot apt-get install rsync svn apt-get install kernel-package ncurses-dev fakeroot wget bzip2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Asked question in forum Thanks for a nice tutorial how to create SD card: Debian on SD card works using image from I want to compile Realtek wifi drivers downloaded from their website. So I guess I need to install some other files too from NanosG20 website. How to proceed with them? Especially, what to do with the patch file? wget wget wget wget Would it be possible to put on the Ledato website an image for "Debian developer" where all these deb packages and patch and compiler tools are already installed. It would be a bigger file, but would be worth downloading. Answer: ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the rootfs installed on the SD card, linux-image- and linux-firmware-image_2.6.35.7-1_all.deb are already included. So you do not need them. They are only needed if you build a rootfs from scratch. For your development system you only need linux-source- The patch just contains the differences between a stock Linux kernel and the one installed on the NanosG20. It is there to show the changes and make it easier to change to other kernel version if one likes to. Apart from that, a full development system just needs the following commands: apt-get update apt-get install build-essential wget dpkg -i linux-source- rm /lib/modules/ rm /lib/modules/ ln -s /usr/src/linux- /lib/modules/ ln -s /usr/src/linux- /lib/modules/ cd /usr/src/linux- make nanosg20_defconfig make prepare The first two command are generally needed to compile programs, the rest is needed to compile the kernel or external kernel modules. As these are just a couple of commands to get a developer system and you don't do that very often, I don't think there will be a special developer image. Patch file how to use To update to squeeze just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all instances of string "lenny" with "squeeze". After that run the commands apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade Please note that this can take some time 1-2 hours, maybe more. Especially, if you have installed more software. If you update over ssh use the screen command (this has to be installed before), so that it is no problem if the ssh connection terminates during the update.