/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2012 * Part of uEnergy SDK 2.0.0 * * * FILE * main.c * * DESCRIPTION * Simple example to show GPIO usage. This application * demonstrates how read a state of a water sensor plugged in its GPIO. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PIO_WATER_LEVEL (9) /* PIO connected to the sensor to measure the water level*/ #define PIO_DIR_OUTPUT ( TRUE ) /* PIO direction configured as output */ #define PIO_DIR_INPUT ( FALSE ) /* PIO direction configured as input */ /* UART Receive Callback Function */ static uint16 UartDataRxCallback ( void* p_data, uint16 data_count, uint16* p_num_additional_words ); typedef enum _button_state { button_state_down, /* Button was pressed */ button_state_up, /* Button was released */ button_state_unknown /* Button state is unknown */ } BUTTON_STATE_T; /* Current state of button */ static BUTTON_STATE_T g_cur_button_state_water = button_state_unknown; /**************************************************************************** NAME AppPowerOnReset DESCRIPTION This user application function is called just after a power-on reset (including after a firmware panic), or after a wakeup from Hibernate or Dormant sleep states. At the time this function is called, the last sleep state is not yet known. NOTE: this function should only contain code to be executed after a power-on reset or panic. Code that should also be executed after an HCI_RESET should instead be placed in the AppInit() function. RETURNS Nothing */ void AppPowerOnReset(void) { } /**************************************************************************** NAME AppInit DESCRIPTION This user application function is called after a power-on reset (including after a firmware panic), after a wakeup from Hibernate or Dormant sleep states, or after an HCI Reset has been requested. The last sleep state is provided to the application in the parameter. NOTE: In the case of a power-on reset, this function is called after app_power_on_reset(). RETURNS Nothing */ void AppInit(sleep_state last_sleep_state) { /* Configure Infrared pin to be controlled directly */ PioSetMode(PIO_WATER_LEVEL, pio_mode_user); /* Configure Infrared pin to be input */ PioSetDir(PIO_WATER_LEVEL, PIO_DIR_INPUT); /* Set weak pull up on button PIO, in order not to draw too much current * while button is pressed */ PioSetPullModes((1UL << PIO_WATER_LEVEL), pio_mode_strong_pull_up); /* Set the button to generate sys_event_pio_changed when pressed as well * as released */ PioSetEventMask((1UL << PIO_WATER_LEVEL), pio_event_mode_both); /* Initialise communications */ DebugInit(1, UartDataRxCallback, NULL); } /**************************************************************************** NAME AppProcesSystemEvent DESCRIPTION This user application function is called whenever a system event, such as a battery low notification, is received by the system. RETURNS Nothing */ void AppProcessSystemEvent(sys_event_id id, void *data) { /* If the reported system event is generated by a PIO */ if (id == sys_event_pio_changed) { /* The PIO data is defined by struct pio_changed_data */ const pio_changed_data *pPioData; pPioData = (const pio_changed_data *)data; /* If the PIO event comes from the button */ if (pPioData->pio_cause & (1UL << PIO_WATER_LEVEL)) { /* If PIO was HIGH when this event was generated (that means * button was released, generating a rising edge causing PIO * to go from LOW to HIGH) */ if (pPioData->pio_state & (1UL << PIO_WATER_LEVEL)) { DebugWriteString("Level Full\n"); /* At this point the button is released */ g_cur_button_state_water = button_state_up; } else { /* If PIO was LOW when this event was generated (that means * button was pressed, generating a falling edge causing * PIO to go from HIGH to LOW) */ /* If last recorded state of button was up */ if (g_cur_button_state_water == button_state_up) { DebugWriteString("Level Empty\n"); /* At this point the button has been pressed */ g_cur_button_state_water = button_state_down; } } } } } /**************************************************************************** NAME AppProcessLmEvent DESCRIPTION This user application function is called whenever a LM-specific event is received by the system. RETURNS TRUE if the app has finished with the event data; the control layer will free the buffer. */ bool AppProcessLmEvent(lm_event_code event_code, LM_EVENT_T *event_data) { return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************** NAME UartDataRxCallback DESCRIPTION This callback is issued when data is received over UART. Application may ignore the data, if not required. For more information refer to the API documentation for the type "uart_data_out_fn" RETURNS The number of words processed, return data_count if all of the received data had been processed (or if application don't care about the data) */ static uint16 UartDataRxCallback ( void* p_data, uint16 data_count, uint16* p_num_additional_words ) { *p_num_additional_words = 0; /* Application do not need any additional data to be received */ return data_count; }