Waldschattenspiel The Forest Shadow Game A game for 2-8 players of 5 years and up. An adult needs to be present because of the candle. Bits: 1 Board 1 Tea Candle 1 Rack 3 Big trees 4 average trees 3 little trees Bag with: 1 die, 7 pawns, 7 felt triangles Setup: Put the trees together as shown on the back. You may also glue the little triangles felt squares to give our little dwarves hats. Really bored players may add little beards with more felt. The game is a board game that is played in semi or full darkness. An open flame travels the board, changing the shadows. The elves hide in the shadows, being chased by the light. Prep before each game: The game board side with large circles is the board for this version. Fold the board back so it lies flat. The trees are placed anywhere on the board, but not on any of the circles. Start: The adult lights the candle and places it on a circle at the edge of the board. The shadows of the trees should be plainly visible. The other players each choose a dwarf (or dwarves) and hide them behind trees in the shadows, one to a tree. The adult should close his eyes so that he does not know the hiding places. Object: The dwarves must try to meet in the shadow of a single tree. The adult tries to bewitch all of the dwarves with his light. Rules: The adult starts first and moves his light along the path as many spaces as the number rolled on the die. He may not change direction, even between turns. At a fork in the path, however, he may change direction. Once the light has moved, all of the dwarves who wish to move, may do so. Dwarves may only move in the shadows, a single sliver of light may not be crossed by a dwarf. While the dwarves are moving and hiding, the adult playing the light must close his eyes. Dwarves who have been caught by the light are bewitched and may not move again until rescued. Once the dwarves have found new hiding places, the light moves again. After that, the dwarves may move as before. Rescue: A dwarf caught in the light may not move again, even when the shadows cover him. To break the spell, another dwarf must move to the bewitched dwarf while he is in shadow. Last rule: The adult playing the light is not allowed to move from or rise from his position to see where dwarves are hiding. He may use the rack to move the candle if need be. End of Game: The game ends when all dwarves are gathered happily in the shdow of a single tree, or when the light has bewitched all of the dwarves. Variations: If the game is to simple, you can make a few changes. Move the big trees to the outside of the board, or use fewer trees. You can also allow the light to switch direction between turns. If the game is too difficult, you can require the light to name his direction before rolling the die. The dwarves are then allowed to choose new hiding places before the roll takes place. New games: Hide dwarves like in the normal game, but the dwarves may not move from their places. Last dwarf to remain hidden from the light wins. Hint: Tea candles without the glass holder are cheap, and should be used when the included one burns out. A Different Forest Shadow Game: For children of 7 years and up. An adult needs to hang around because of the candle. This game is player in the dark as well, though the adult does not take an active part. Setup: The candle goes on the big circle in the middle of the other side of the board. The dwarves start in the 7 sided house. Trees are setup to cast shadows across the movement spaces. Take care that the shadows do not cover more than 6 consecutive spaces with shadow. The rack needs a mirroring surface on the outside edge. Cover it with aluminum foil. Start: Take turns rolling the die and moves his dwarf (or dwarves) around the large pretzel track. Dwarves must start by moving on the large outer ring in either direction. Object: All of the dwarves must return to the 7 sided house after running and jumping over the fire. Rules: Dwarves may move in any direction. A dwarf that ends its move in shadow is trapped and must remain in shadow. He may ask other dwarves to help out. A player who decides to help free a trapped dwarf misses his turn. He then takes the rack, and tries to place the mirrored edge so as to cast light on the trapped dwarf. If he succeeds, the trapped dwarf may move again on his next turn. If two or more dwarves stand on a space, one may decide before he rolls to give his roll to the other dwarf. When the other dwarf takes his turn, he adds the earlier roll to his roll to cross a larger area. This is useful for crossing large gaps. Once the big loop is crossed, the dwarves must still jump the fire. The fire counts as a space. Whoever lands there must move to the rectangular hospital. The dwarf may not move out of there by himself, but must be picked up by a different dwarf who has already jumped the fire. The game ends when all dwarves make it back to the 7 sided house. It is possible that all dwarves could become trapped in shadow. If that happens, start again.