#!/bin/bash #Twitter tweeter by http://360percents.com #v1.1 on May 12th 2011 #REQUIRED PARAMS username="my_twiter_email" password="my_twiter_password" cookie="/tmp/cookie.txt" tweet="$*" #must be less than 140 chars #EXTRA OPTIONS uagent="Mozilla/5.0" #user agent (fake a browser) sleeptime=0 #add pause between requests if [ $(echo "${tweet}" | wc -c) -gt 140 ]; then echo "[FAIL] Tweet is over 140 chars!" && exit 1 fi touch $cookie #create a temp. cookie file #INITIAL PAGE echo "[+] Fetching twitter.com..." && sleep $sleeptime initpage=`curl -s -b $cookie -c $cookie -L --sslv3 -A "$uagent" "https://mobile.twitter.com/session/new"` token=`echo "$initpage" | grep "authenticity_token" | sed -e 's/.*value="//' | sed -e 's/" \/>.*//'` #LOGIN echo "[+] Submitting the login form..." && sleep $sleeptime loginpage=`curl -s -b $cookie -c $cookie -L --sslv3 -A "$uagent" -d "authenticity_token=$token&username=$username&password=$password" "https://mobile.twitter.com/session"` #HOME PAGE echo "[+] Getting your twitter home page..." && sleep $sleeptime homepage=`curl -s -b $cookie -c $cookie -L -A "$uagent" "http://mobile.twitter.com/"` #TWEET echo "[+] Posting a new tweet..." && sleep $sleeptime tweettoken=`echo "$homepage" | grep "authenticity_token" | sed -e 's/.*value="//' | sed -e 's/" \/>.*//' | tail -n 1` update=`curl -s -b $cookie -c $cookie -L -A "$uagent" -d "authenticity_token=$tweettoken&tweet[text]=$tweet&tweet[display_coordinates]=false" "http://mobile.twitter.com/"` #LOGOUT echo "[+] Logging out..." logout=`curl -s -b $cookie -c $cookie -L -A "$uagent" "http://mobile.twitter.com/session/destroy"` rm $cookie