@echo off :menu cls color 0a title quiz echo Hello, welcome to Quiz, a place to improve ur knowledge. choose what u want to do. echo 1) start game echo 2) credits echo 3) quit set /p answer= if %answer% == 1 goto start if %answer% == 2 goto credits if %answer% == 3 goto quit if %answer% neq 1 goto error if %answer% neq 2 goto error if %answer% neq 3 goto error :credits echo thank u for playing! credits go to larry zhang echo continue? (y/n) set /p answer= if %answer% == y goto start if %answer% == n goto menu :quit cls echo we hope u enjoyed! bye for now pause exit :start cls echo are u ready echo. pause cls color 09 echo lets start echo. pause @echo off title my game color 03 echo what is ur name ? set /p name= echo hello %name%,my name is larry echo. pause :first question cls echo what is 23+45? answer or type e to exit echo 1) 67 echo 2) 68 echo 3) 69 set /p answer= if %answer% == 2 goto second question if %answer% == e goto menu if %answer% neq 2 goto wrong message if %answer% neq e goto wrong message :second question cls echo what is 64-37? answer or type e to exit echo 1) 26 echo 2)24 echo 3)27 set /p answer= if %answer% == 3 goto third question if %answer% == e goto menu if %answer% neq 3 goto wrong message if %answer% neq e goto wrong message :third question cls echo what is 5x43? answer or type e to exit echo 1) 205 echo 2) 215 echo 3) 225 set /p answer= if %answer% == 2 goto fourth question if %answer% == e goto menu if %answer% neq 2 goto wrong message if %answer% neq e goto wrong message :fourth question cls echo what is 64/8? answer or type e to exit echo 1) 1 echo 2) 24 echo 3) 8 set /p answer= if %answer% == 3 goto bonus question if %answer% == e goto menu if %answer% neq 3 goto wrong message if %answer% neq e goto wrong message :bonus question cls echo let pi be 3.14, what is the area of a circle with 10 cm radius? answer or type e to exit set /p answer= if %answer% == 314 goto congratulations if %answer% == e goto menu if %answer% neq 314 goto wrong message if %answer% neq e goto wrong message :wrong message cls echo unfortunately u got that one wrong. continue? (y/n) set /p input= if %input% equ y goto start if %input% equ n goto menu if %input% neq y goto error if %input% neq n goto error :congratulations cls echo Well Done u did it! echo continue? (y, n) set /p input= if %input% equ y goto start if %input% equ n goto menu if %input% neq y goto error if %input% neq n goto error :error cls echo i dont know what u mean, continue? (y/n) set /p input= if %input% equ y goto start if %input% equ n goto menu if %input% neq y goto error if %input% neq n goto error