@echo off title All Out War! color 27 :beg cls echo All Out War! pause cls echo Version 1.2 pause cls echo Please type in your name, then press the enter key. echo. echo. set /p name= cls :backtr cls echo usa/rusha ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ usa goto play if %answer% equ rusha goto test if %answer% equ s goto l goto backtr :test cls echo This version of the beta game does not feature the option to selet other countries "yet". pause cls echo Now selecting usa. pause cls :play cls echo You have selected usa. pause cls echo Beep, Beep! pause cls echo You have an email on your computer. pause cls echo Email: Dear %name%, We are now at war with rusha. pause cls echo Email: You'r first mission is to Infiltrate a building we believe to have information that can help us in the war. pause cls echo Email: You must make smart descision to keep you'r self from being detected. pause cls echo Now Loading Level 1. pause cls echo You are in the building. pause cls echo You walk down the hall way. pause cls echo Hey! pause cls echo You turn around. pause cls echo You see a man walking up to you. pause cls echo Man: Tell me who you are right now or else i call security! pause :hbioh cls echo Do You: shootgun/fight/run/slitthrout ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ shootgun goto failg if %answer% equ fight goto failf if %answer% equ run goto goodr if %answer% equ slitthrout goto fails goto hbioh :failg cls echo You shoot the man with you'r gun and he dies. pause cls echo The sound of your gun resinates through the building. pause cls echo A security guard runs up and shoots you in the head. pause goto end :goodr cls echo You run away from the man. pause cls echo BANG! pause cls echo You have been shot in the back of the head by the man. pause goto end :fails cls echo You quickly put a knife up to the mans neck. pause cls echo You quickly slice open the skin and opening the blood vains. pause cls echo Blood trickles down his neck onto your hands as you feel his body weight. pause cls echo He is dead. pause cls echo You hide his body in a closet. pause goto jkblik :failf cls echo You decide to fight the man. pause cls echo You beat him to the ground, and hide his body in a closet. pause goto jkblik :end cls echo GAME OVER! pause goto beg :jkblik cls echo You continue throught the building. pause cls echo You come to two doors. pause :knh cls echo One labeled, weapons. echo. echo One labeled, experimentation echo. echo. echo weapons/experimentation ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ weapons goto bangf if %answer% equ experimentation goto lsd goto knh :bangf cls echo You go into the door labeled, weapons. pause cls echo Inside is a room full of weapons. pause cls echo A man is standing in the center of the room, with a gun aimd at your head. pause cls echo BANG! pause goto end :lsd cls echo You go into the room labeled, experimentation. pause cls echo Inside is a room filled with tables and carts and needels and test tubes. pause cls echo Sudenly a machine sprays a mist in your face. pause cls echo The machine is labeled lsd sprayer. pause cls echo You black out. pause cls echo You wake up in a room face to face with a rushan man wearing a military uniform! pause cls Rushan Man: My name is Joseph. pause cls echo Joseph: Why were you not at your poast? pause cls echo You give a confused look. pause cls echo You were found wandering around the building. pause cls echo Now get to your poast! pause cls echo You leave the room. pause cls echo You walk through the building. pause cls echo You find a door labeled, Top Seceret. pause cls echo The door has an eye scanner, but the door is locked. pause cls echo Just then a man walks down the hall. pause cls echo He looks familiar. pause cls echo It might be a risk to let him live. pause :kjlk cls echo killhim/leavehim ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ killhim goto jfj if %answer% equ leavehim goto lplp goto kjlk :lplp cls echo You decide to leave him be. pause cls echo He notices you. pause cls echo Man: Hey i remeber you, you son of a bitch! pause cls echo The man shoots you. pause goto end :jfj cls echo You Shove your knife into his heart and felt the blood fill you'r hand as the man dies. pause cls echo This gives you an idea. pause cls echo You use you'r knife to pry his eye out. pause cls echo You put his eye up to the scanner of the locked door. pause cls echo The door unlocks. pause cls echo You walk into the room labeled top secret. pause cls echo Inside is information. pause cls echo You start taking files that look importent. pause cls echo You hear a voice behind you. pause :g cls echo Voice:Duck? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ duck goto khi if %answer% equ yes goto khi if %answer% equ y goto khi cls echo BANG! pause goto end :khi cls echo You duck, and turn around. pause cls echo It is, Joseph! pause cls echo You push him top the floor and run as fast as you can! pause cls echo You get to a right and left hallway. echo. echo right/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto hw if %answer% equ left goto ihj :hw cls echo You go %answer%. pause cls echo Dead end! pause cls echo BANG! pause goto end :ihj cls echo You go %answer%. pause cls echo You keep runing. pause cls echo You get to a right and left hallway. echo. echo right/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto lpy if %answer% equ left goto hw :lpy cls echo You go %answer%. puse cls echo You keep runing pause cls echo You get to a right and left hallway. echo. echo right/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto qwe if %answer% equ left goto hw :qwe cls echo You go %answer%. pause cls echo You keep runing. pause cls echo You escape the building. pause cls echo You jump into a jeep and your friend drives you away back to you'r base. pause cls echo Level 1 compleat. pause :l cls echo You are in your military base talking to your sargent. pause cls echo Sargent: %name%, You have done a satisfatory job! pause cls echo Sargent: The information you have gathered for us is very usefull! pause cls echo Sargent: We have learned that the building you infiltrated is full of weapons, that we must destroy! pause cls echo Sargent: You are going to fly a plane to the building and drop a bomb on it thus destroying all of the weapons! pause cls echo Sargent: Now go %name%. pause cls echo Level 2 go! pause cls echo You are flying your plan, but you seem to be lost! pause :ojh cls echo Will you fly right, left, or strait? echo. echo right/strait/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto lef if %answer% equ strait goto rit if %answer% equ left goto lef goto ojh :lef cls echo You go %answer%, and get more lost, and eventually run out of gas! pause goto end :rit cls echo You go %answer%, and are going in the correct direction. pause cls echo You are flying your plan, but you seem to be lost! pause :ihkm cls echo Will you fly right, left, or strait? echo. echo right/strait/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto lef if %answer% equ strait goto lef if %answer% equ left goto lyl goto ihkm :lyl cls echo You go %answer%, and are going in the correct dirction. pause cls echo You are flying your plan, but you seem to be lost! pause :plo cls echo Will you fly right, left, or strait? echo. echo right/strait/left ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ right goto lef if %answer% equ strait goto lef if %answer% equ left goto kuy goto plo :kuy cls echo You go %answer%, and are going in the correct direction. pause cls echo You'r plane is running out of gas! pause :ihoz cls echo Do you land for gas, or keep going? echo. echo gas/go ? echo. echo. set /p answer= if %answer% equ gas goto yer if %answer% equ go goto rey goto ihoz :rey cls echo You keep flying you'r plane. pause cls echo You'r plane runs out of gas! pause cls echo You crash it into the building that you were supposed to bomb, and you survive but every one else dies. pause cls echo You get a lift back to base and talk to you'r sargent. pause cls echo Sargent: Good job in destroying that building %name%. pause cls echo Level 2 complete! pause goto nrty :yer cls echo You stop for gas, and then take off again. pause cls echo You drop the bomb onto the building. pause cls echo You fly back to the base. pause cls echo The base is destroyed and the sargent is covered in blood on the floor. pause cls echo Sargent: You were late to blow them up! pause cls echo Sargent: They detroyed our building and killed us all before you blew them up! pause cls echo The sargent died! pause cls echo Just then an emimy soldier from the building you blew up drives up! pause cls echo Solsier: Thiers the son of a bitch who blew up our facility and killed our friends! pause cls echo The soldier shoots you! pause goto end :nrty cls echo To be continued in version 1.3 pause goto beg